10 Commandments For A Happy Family



(Matthew 6: 33; Proverbs 31; Proverbs 18: 21; Ephesians 4: 26)
1. Seek God First especially when making financial, family and other major decisions!

2. Maintain unity within your household and have one vision for the family. Never compete with, but complement each other.

3. Come together, even 1 day each week – for family devotions, giving God thanks for the things He has done for you – both small and big things. Thanksgiving is one of the keys to prosperity and it opens the doors of opportunity for you.

4. Spend family time together! Your family is your biggest investment. More valuable than your house, your vehicle or any other asset. Don’t forget the parks, the movies, the beaches and other family oriented areas and activities.

5. Ensure that you don’t allow any third party intrusion into your family. Communication is key for a healthy family. If communication breaks down, seek Divine, Spiritual help! Never let the sun go down without resolving the issues that are affecting your communication.

6. Declare blessings upon and speak positively about each other. Words are powerful and positive words cancel out the curses that come at you from the enemy daily.

7. Build your family relationships on trust! Avoid speaking negatively against each other, or hiding financial transactions from each other (like secret accounts and so on).

8. Husbands and Wives, pray and ask God to keep your love life vibrant and that you both will satisfy each other.

9. Husbands and Wives, never deny each other of intimacy.

10. Eat healthy foods and exercise regularly.