The Word from the Lord given to Prophetess Bishop Doris Hutchinson, Apostle Steve Lyston, Prophetess Pastor Michelle Lyston, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio and Prophetess Nadra Brotherton
The number ’14’ symbolizes ‘double portion, deliverance, double completion, recreate, reproduce, employee, the labor force, fear of God.’ In 2014 God will visit many lineages and break curses from both people and nations, all the way back to 14 generations as exemplified in Matthew 1: 1 – 17. (Read also I Kings 8: 65) It will also be the year of lunar and cosmic problems, heat waves and earthquakes in diverse places. It will also be a year of forgiveness. A year for shepherds and leaders and a year of debt release.
Watch the months January to June 2014. Men’s hearts will be failing them for fear, according to the signs of times and the hardships that will hit the earth; and there will be global paradigm shifts for heads of governments!
We will have lunar issues, problems with the ozone layer. There will be a great change within the atmosphere. Many vegetables will be contaminated and open the doors for disease. Doctors must begin to store vaccines.
God is calling forth the Jeremiah and Daniel Prophets to rise up. Speak my Word to Kings, Queens, Presidents and Prime Ministers, for I am about to cause a paradigm shift to take place within each head of governments.
God is going to bring down polluted entertainment. There are great deceptions within the entertainment industry as well as great idolatry. They are hindering the blessing and protection of God over the nation. Their lifestyle has come up before God.
1. Jamaica is in serious trouble and is in need of suitable leadership. There should be an island wide call for good governance because of power struggles.

2. Many investors in Jamaica and those overseas are contemplating to pull out of Jamaica and invest in other countries or in other nations because of what is happening in our country.

3. Pray against conspiracy, infiltration and constitutional problems that can come about which can cause many Jamaicans to flee. God says I see and I have heard!

4. Pray for the opposition. More problems and more challenges ahead for them.

5. Pray against a ‘one-party state’ occurrence in the country.

6. There is going to be exposure about our highways, grants, water and light.

7. Cash will dwindle and corruption, contract killings and kidnapping will increase.

8. Three major companies in Jamaica might go down and many with political connections would be hard hit. There is going to be turmoil within the ruling party and some will not seek re-election. Some will resign.

9. The Lord is displeased with the practices within the medical and pharmaceutical industries and the activities that would normal go unseen and unaddressed will no longer be so. What they were once able to get away with doing, they will no longer be able to do so, as God will cause many things will be coming to light and to the surface! They have been warned and have had the opportunity to cease but refuse to do so because of pride and arrogance.

10. Many of the financial regulations that are being put in place in the country are going to backfire!

11. God is going to raise up a prophet in the nation that will speak without fear or favor. God said many of the religious men have already sold out.

12. There will be serious undermining, betrayal and power struggles in the Jamaica Constabulary Force. Pray for them.

13. God is not pleased with the leaders of the two political parties because they refuse to be led by God and have caused the nation to suffer. They must remember that leaders are placed in positions of authority by God, and they will have to give account of their stewardship to Him.

14. The eyes of the Lord are watching our health service. Those in charge should be careful how they treat the suffering, the less fortunate and the homeless. God is not pleased.

15. Our island is being infiltrated. There are people from afar who are aware of the substance which should be discovered by us. There are riches in our soil and herbs for the healing. The Lord is watching.

16. Thus saith the Lord, ‘I am calling my true servants in my presence that I can reveal the herbs of the land which will bring healing to many nations. You are now heading for a time of worldwide confusion like you have never seen. Draw nigh unto Me and I will draw nigh unto you. And as I draw nigh unto you I will pour out of My Spirit upon you to bring healing and deliverance to many.’

17. The nation has been warned to be careful of the agreement they enter without seeking the Lord. Our leaders must change their communication skills so that the common man can understand, otherwise there will be great unrest within the work force. Nation be warned.

18. If marijuana is legalized in Jamaica, it will bring the nation to great poverty, increase in crime, laziness and backfire on the schools. Nation be warned!

19. Be warned! Be careful of the decisions made relating to Foreign Affairs, as many of those decisions have the potential to backfire on the nation and cause great suffering and possible isolation in the International scene. Seek God! Be warned!

20. God is calling all the Spiritual Leaders in Jamaica to come together in prayer and fasting to repent and cry out for changes within the Body of Christ and within the churches in the nation.

21. God is warning His people to be careful of financial schemes; another one is coming! Great deception is ahead to cause them to squander their money!

22. More individual exposures will take place concerning those in positions of influence and leadership in every sector including the Church.

23. A shaking is going to take place in the legal fraternity, locally and overseas, for unfair business practices. Many will contemplate suicide.

24. The core of the JLP trouble is yet to be revealed. More trouble ahead for them.

25. The Spirit of the Lord says the Government of Jamaica needs to repent before Him for their deeds and revere Him as Lord!

26. A large distribution company in Jamaica (GK) will experience a rise in Sales in the International market. This is because of God’s mercy and blessings and the faithful Christians within that organization.

27. The Lord says, ‘I shall judge the churches for they have been a poor representation for the nation.’ (II Chronicles 7: 14 – 15)

28. 2014 will mark the beginning of change of guards. If persons in authority do not live up to their responsibility and practice due diligence of their position, God is going to move them. This goes for all sectors and countries. This is also relevant to the churches and financial institutions.

29. There will be a paradigm shift in the United States of America (USA) in the fields of science and technology, and it will be hard to determine how it started. Furthermore, pray for the USA; more political problems are coming.

30. There will be confusion in the medical field and it will be caused by the shortage of drugs. Many are already aware of the problems but do not want to disclose it. Many will die because of that.

31. Great Lamentations in 2014 and the name of the Lord will be exalted in all of this.

32. A massive search for gold and oil is taking place in places where they are yet to be discovered. Many are infiltrating other countries to find these coveted treasures. Secret murders will be taking place. Many will go missing and never be found. Now is the time to pray as never before. Scientists, Environmentalists, Marine Biologists and Geologists will be among those who will be missing.

33. Pray for the continent of Africa – especially Rwanda, Japan, India, China, Haiti, Italy, Egypt and the state of Michigan. Furthermore, 20 states in the USA will be hard-hit. God is calling His holy men and women to rise to their responsibility and warn the nation of pending judgement. The Holy Spirit is warning against greed!

34. Great waters of the earth will rise to alarming heights destroying lands, people, livestock, vegetables fruits and oils. Many Communication Devices around the world will be dismantled. There will be earthquakes in places where there are no fault lines!

35. The rich lifestyle of many will decrease. The leaders of the nation have taken on to themselves the wealth and resources that should be distributed to the less fortunate, the sick and the suffering and the children. They have robbed and plundered the people. God says, ‘I shall visit them!’

36. Those who profess to be serving God, but indulge in lifestyles of sinfulness and secretly drawing others to their wicked ways, will reap their reward. God is not mocked! Whatsoever man sows that shall he reap. Get your house in order.

37. Many churches will be exposed! God is not pleased with their actions. God says, ‘Be warned! Those who stand in my holy pulpit and profess that they are living right but are not, Be warned! Stop your wrongdoings! You have led many astray. I will visit you at a time that you thinketh not!’

38. “Wake up my people, cry out to Me! There will be weeping and wailing and shaking that will be taking place in many nation. Terror is in the East and the West, and because of their wickedness they cannot chastise each other. They are afraid of each other; they know that they will destroy themselves if they enter into a full-scale war! What they want from each other, I will intervene and remove it from them! Pray USA England Israel, China, Japan, North and South Korea, Russia, Iran and France.”

39. Pray for worldwide revival, signs and wonders. There is an international plan in progress for all religious organizations. Pray against it. Pray also for T. D. Jakes Ministries and Rod Parsley Ministries.

40. There are gases that will cause many illnesses and diseases that are unknown to scientists to break out. Dryness of the mouth and throat, eye, skin and respiratory problems will happen. These will be caused from environmental problems that have been ignored, interference of scientists into God’s creation, and different chemicals that have been released into the ocean, weapons testing. Insect infestation will rise to alarming rates which will lead to the destruction of crops and livestock.

41. Two ministers from a mega-Church are heading for trouble. Pray!

42. Pray for the health of the Queen. Pray for Donald Trump.

43. A Middle Eastern Leader will seek to have Peace Talks with the US, but it will be a trap; his true motives will be exposed before the entire world.

44. More opposition will be coming against the US President. Pray for him and his family and for their security.

45. Pray for the people in Lebanon, for there will be problems arising within their government that can cause riots.

46. The cloning of animals and human beings will go to extremes.

47. God is sending strong warnings to scientists to desist from interfering with outer space, because of the extreme danger that is about to manifest.

48. More homes and businesses will foreclose because of economic instability in some cases.

49. God is about to shake up and expose cult organizations throughout the world.

50. NK is planning to launch an attack against the West. Pray for it to be aborted.

51. There needs to be proper screening of all the agents and security personnel working in strategic areas within the USA. Be warned!

52. There is a virus that will be affecting many students within Daycare, Elementary and High Schools, which will come from air pollution.

53. More banks worldwide are expected to enter into mergers because of declining profit margins for 2014 onward.

54. China’s Technology is ever evolving for they are about to introduce newer vehicles and phones that have never existed before that would continue to give them the marketing edge through sales than any other country.

55. Thailand, China, India Australia and Pakistan are about to experience more natural disasters in the form of earthquakes and tsunami.

56. Wall Street will experience many cyber problems. There will be a great shaking of Wall Street.

57. Pray for the protection of all government buildings and of Homeland Security.

58. Many are calling God’s true prophets false. Many are scoffing and laughing at my Word, but remember, Noah built an ark and prophesied that there would be rain. It did not fulfill until 100 years later. Thus saith the Lord, “Unless there is true repentance none of my words shall fall to the ground.” The Bible clearly states that it is by their fruit that you shall know them. (Matthew 7: 20; Genesis 6 – 7)

59. Thus saith the Lord, “Woe unto the hirelings who constantly lead my people astray. Repent and turn from your wicked ways.

60. There is going to be a shocking exposure about the Catholic Church that will cause many Christians to look up.

61. The tide is about to change for the greedy rich, because many of them are only concerned about their wealth and nothing about the poor. ‘Many empires are about to come down!’ says the Lord.

62. All eyes will be on Russia because of what is about to unfold.

63. There needs to be tighter security at the ATL regarding all international airlines.

64. The Lord is calling the Body of Christ for more Evangelism among the celebrities. Not just within the USA, but across the world. And there will be shaking among the celebrities.

65. Many of the poorer countries, people and Provinces, etc that many seem to have forgotten are going to notice a shift in favor. We are about to hear of great favor in many of those who others have written off. The greats are going to fall – great men, great organizations and great countries.

66. The Lord is calling the gospel singers to be set apart, because He is holy. The Spirit of the Lord says that now is not the time for watchmen to be sleeping but to be on the lookout from the upper room to the mountain top and sound the trumpet in Zion.

67. The Lord is calling all the intercessors into deeper intercession against the forces of darkness that children of all ages will be loosed from the wiles of the devil because they are under immense attack.

68. God is going to settle some debts. Many who thought they got away with corruption and disgraceful acts are going to see another side of God.

69. There are some policies, systems and programs that the governments abandoned years ago, that they will have to revisit. God wants more programs to facilitate the burden on the poor. There are programs for job creation and education that have been sitting in cabinets; they have been gathering dusts over the years. It is time to take them out and rebuild.

70. There are many Law firms locally and around the world that will close down in the coming year because God is not pleased with their unfair practices.

71. Unexpected relationships and covenants between nations will be revealed, and the connections will surprise many.

72. The Lord is calling all World Governmental Bodies to put major strategic plans and emergency plans in place to deal with increase in disasters and hunger; in particular food, cots, bedding and respiratory products. Be warned!

73. We are about to hear about more disgraces, in the governments, in businesses, and in the church. There is going to be a massive exposure. Another wave of exposure is coming up. Some prominent leaders are about to be called out. Many will lose faith and trust in leaders in many sectors.

74. Covens within schools will be uncovered by unexpected and anonymous sources.

75. Pray for all Christian TV Stations – great challenges ahead regarding inheritance and power for some. God’s hands will be heavy upon one major Christian station. The Spirit of the Lord says He is about to do something new with Benny Hinn Ministries.

76. There is a great deal of tragedy and chaos coming for the Entertainment industry worldwide – singers, actors/actresses and more.

77. Pray for the following entertainers there are great challenges ahead.
Mariah Carey, Usher Raymond, Aretha Franklin, D’Angel, Lauryn Hill, Eric Donaldson, Oliver Samuels, John Holt, Miley Cyrus, Phil Collins, Maxi Priest


Disclaimer: God reserves the right to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending subject to the repentance of nations and individuals. (Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11) Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6). He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23). Additionally, other prophecies revealed for 2014 are classified.