The globe has been experiencing record activity including record heat levels in the ocean. In fact, it was reported in the Tampa Bay Times that “during July, (2023) average water surface temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico ran nearly 2 degrees Fahrenheit above normal. That’s the highest on record . . .” In addition to this, in “the Louisiana coast, . . . sea surface temperatures are more than 5 degrees hotter than normal . . .” As a result, hundreds of fish have been found dead on the seaside.
I have been saying over the years and in my books as well – Prayer the Catalyst for Climate Change – that unless we are willing to deal with God, unless God is a part of the discussion, there will only be more confusion and death.
What The Scriptures Reveal
Elohim is the One who created the universe – including the sun, the moon, the stars, and we cannot exclude the Creator and refuse to acknowledge Him. That would be like pushing aside the creator of a product and taking all the credit for yourself.
The book of Genesis especially speaks to us a great deal. Please read:
Genesis 1: 1 Genesis 2 Romans 1: 20
Revelation 4: 11 Genesis 14 Isaiah 44: 24
2 Samuel 22: 8
These Scriptures clearly show that we cannot get a proper understanding of the climate and bring change if we leave God out of it. Joel 2: 29 – 35 says, “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.”
While we know that a time is coming where God will judge mankind for their stewardship on earth, as well as those who fail to repent, according to 2 Peter 3: 10 – 12 – we must never forget that God made a covenant with man (Genesis 8 – 9) regarding the earth. The rainbow is a token of that covenant. So, many globalists and scientists, their perception, insight regarding climate change is faulty. It is the sin against the Creator and against creation that is causing the problem; and as long as man refuses to repent, we will see continued catastrophes within the earth. This while many continue to mock the covenant God has made with us.
Scientists Must Know
Every scientist should know that it is man’s moral choices that decide climate change. Sin is a word no one wants to talk about – rebellion against God is another. However, it is both sin and rebellion that have contributed the most to Climate Change, because man interfered with God’s creation.
Greed is the next significant contributor as well as the neglect of the poor.
Further to this:
All contribute to the negative effects of Climate Change.
So, the record heatwaves we are going through, the regular occurrence of hail, the earthquakes, thunderstorms and lightning strikes (Revelation 16: 11; Revelation 11: 13; Revelation 16: 21 and Revelation 9:2) God has allowed them to happen to get man’s attention.
What The Government Must Know
Thew role of any government include creating opportunities for the people. Christians must know God’s role in the earth. He is our Source and our Creator. When governments and scientists want to play God’s role in the earth then disaster is imminent. Deuteronomy 28 clearly outlines the blessings and curses.
In Genesis 8: 2 – 22, Noah’s first act after the flood was to build an altar and give a sacrifice unto the Lord – and that changed God’s heart.
Unless governments globally begin to build righteous altars and make the sacrifice of repentance, we will see disasters like never before; and many countries that are experiencing serious climate change, will need to use the principles of God in totality. Then they will have
So, it is critical for us to stop defiling the land as revealed in Jeremiah 2: 7; Isaiah 24: 5 – 6 which says,
“The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore, the curse has devoured the earth, and those who dwell in it are desolate. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men are left.”
Prayer Changes Climate Change
It has been proven many times in the Bible that Prayer and Repentance break famine and drought. (James 5: 17 -18) unless the families within the nations start rebuilding righteous altars, there can be no change. Large companies must cease using their profits to promote and support immorality and rebellion. If not they will experience financial disaster and pandemics.
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