Encouragement And Honor Will Increase Production

It doesn’t matter what field or profession you are in – whether you are an entrepreneur, a doctor, teacher, nurse, store clerk or politicians, head of state – we all need encouragement.

Oftentimes, people want others to feel as if they are not making a difference, whether it is in your personal life, job or within the nation. Regular encouragement will refresh, renew and refocus a person to continue to do the task that you are called to do.

There are many ways to encourage and honour someone. The first thing we must each learn to do is to encourage ourselves. Problems will arise – financial, marital, economic, health or national problems, but according to I Samuel 30, we must encourage ourselves in the Lord as David did!

David was facing familial and national problems. There was distress from every direction and fear consumed the people. They were ready to stone their leaders. But David strengthened himself in God. He realised that faith was his title/deed, and his faith in Almighty God was so lifted that it removed the mountains and brought the solution for him to recover all. Further to that, it brought spoils – great financial wealth – that would help him and his entire organisation and administration. Oftentimes, adversity comes to bring us back to our original focus and foundation.

There are many things we can do to encourage and honour someone on a daily basis. Each person needs it – it brings increase to your organisation, your nation and to your family.

Power, gifts and resources are tools given to us to motivate someone each day; and the things that we have been through in life and have overcome, we can use it to encourage and honour someone else who needs it! Seeing your life being an impact on the lives of others and bring change gives encouragement.

Regardless of the negative things people say about you, there must be some good that you have done in your life!

Honour is a major part of encouragement. The main fact that certain blessings and wealth cannot be transferred to individuals is as a result of a lack of honour. Abraham, one of the wealthiest men in the Bible, learnt the key of honouring – he knew how important honour was as a key to access and promotion in any situation.

He honoured God, the king and his own earthly father. As a result, great blessings, favour and wealth were given to him.

Exodus 20:12 reminds us that honour increases life. No nation will be able to turn until they learn to honour!

How To Encourage And Honour

Honour God by putting Him first in all things; in worship, in the giving of our tithes, offerings, time and resources! Proverbs 3:9-10 show us that honour encourages God, and God in turn encourages us through blessings, increase, wealth and prosperity.

Honour your staff and bosses through tangible rewards. I Peter 2:17 reminds us to, “Honour all men, love the brotherhood, fear God and honour the king.” This means that honour brings access! Plaques, trophies and even a certificate can encourage and motivate an individual and increase production. Remember that our greatest assets are people – not hardware and software.

Additionally, employ the use of money when honouring your staff! Money will encourage a person – there is nothing wrong with money! Money is a legal tender that deals with our basic and daily needs; the lack of money can cause great distress and increase your medical expenses.

Honour your wife/husband by doing things for and with them that allow them to recognise that their value is greater to you than any material thing. Honour in your marital relationship increases its value and never depreciates!

I take this opportunity to honor God who has given us life, as well as the management and staff of the The Gleaner Company for the hard work they do to bring The Gleaner into the daily lives of its readers. Finally, I honor you, the readers of this column, for your continued support.

read More: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20101129/business/business1.html#.WO5zWel8sno.facebook

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