Prophecies! Part 5 – The Prophetic Word Of The Lord For 2018 Onwards

Through Prophetess Doris Hutchinson, Apostle Steve Lyston, Prophetess Michelle Lyston, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophet O. Onesto Jolly, Prophet David Benoit.

1. There is a rising of ministers of music that God is causing to take place and they will be anointed and ordained pastors, apostles, and ministers. They are required to live lives that are holy before the Lord even behind closed doors.

The songs of praise and of worship that will come forth through them will be songs that reveal the heart of God. An uncommon outpouring is happening, and God is giving an opportunity now to those current Christian artistes to be a part of this new move that God Himself is making Meanwhile, He is allowing those who have been on the “back side of the desert” those who have waited for years unnoticed and who stood under the processing of God – those who have been waiting on the timing of God and receiving songs and sounds of music from Him stay in His Presence, you are about to come forth in His timing remain humble before Him.

2. A shift is occurring even as we speak, and instead of Christian entertainers, He God is preparing True Worshippers to release His sound for the end time. God is stirring and consecrating those who will be UNASHAMED and UNAFRAID to declare the Sovereignty, Majesty, Power and Awesome Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience of our God! He will bestow greatness upon them to bring TOTAL glory to His name and as they remain humble before Him and study His word, then they will increase in His Spirit daily and innumerable souls will yield to Him. Many hearts and minds will be healed and souls won for Him God!

3. There are those Christian Artistes – groups and individuals – that the Lord has been speaking to and using different circumstances to get their attention and let them know that He needs them to cut back on their tours and international performances and spend time in His Presence so that He can speak to them; because He wants to use them beyond what they currently do, to reach them beyond what they (the artistes) see. The Lord says He needs them to recognise/be reminded that they are souls before they are their fans.

4. The Lord says that these Christian artistes can no longer just go to a performance – they need to recognise the significance of what they do and more importantly, their role as they stand before the souls the Lord is allowing them to reach. They must ensure that they are covered as they go out and ensure that their families are covered before they leave especially the male Christian artistes. The female Christian artistes must ensure that their head covers them. All must ensure that there are genuine intercessors praying for them at all times but especially when they are doing live performances, particularly (but not only) in other nations.

5. Do not lay hands on everyone simply because they are there, The Lord must direct you, especially in this season because you can get hit spiritually and be defeated by the enemy.

6. African, Latin and Caribbean Christian worship and praise music is about to rise to the fore in unprecedented ways among the general audience and move beyond the comfortable place. These worshippers must seek to learn other languages, because the Lord is going to use them beyond those who speak their own language.

God wants to take worship to another level that breaks the barriers of language and culture and He needs all the Worshipper to be ready to do this. Some will begin to speak and understand languages that are not their native tongue. An uncommon outpouring is taking place, and we must position ourselves to receive it!

7. The Lord is calling upon Christian entertainers to ensure that souls, prayer and feeding of the poor must be the priority; and there must be unity like never before.

1. Pray for the following sports persons: Usain Bolt That he will give his life to the Lord. Pray for his parents’ health also. Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, West Indies cricketers Courtney Walsh and Brian Lara. Pray for their health and their economic well-being and that they will come to the Lord fully.

2. Pray for the following Hollywood stars:Robyn Rihanna Fenty, Mariah Carey,Gabrielle Union she needs to be careful of the roles she accepts (and pray for her husband,

Dwayne Wade).Oprah Winfrey, Moses Davis (Beenie Man) Time is running out. The Lord wants him now!

3. Pray for Serena Williams and her family. Beyonce and Jay-Z will encounter many accusations that will test their marriage as never before. More shaking will take place in Hollywood. The Lord needs Tiger Woods’ full attention because it is time for him to surrender to Him totally for he is chosen to preach God’s Word and that they all will come and know the true and living God.

– The Prophecies given are for 2018 onward.God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individuals. Jonah 3: 5-10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7-11; Amos 7: 3-6; II Kings 20: 1-11 and I Corinthians 13: 9. Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6). He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20-23).

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