(January 2018)

Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio

There is a wind of the Holy Spirit blowing, not just to expose, but to also bring healing to those who were/are sexual abused and those affected through/by incest and witchcraft. The Lord is about to set the captives free.  Even some of the witchcraft done was by family members, but God is about to break that bondage and set the captives free from the pain and tear that they have carried all these years.   This issue has affected them so deeply that it affects the married life of some.  God wants the victims to forgive those who have hurt them and go on a 1-day fast and ask the Lord to bring closure.  As they obey, God will bring healing.  This is also true for those involved in abortion.  There are some persons who told family members what happened to them, but those relatives did not believe them.  The Lord says do not be afraid to speak again.    He says He is going to deal with it in this season.  He is already dealing with family members for not addressing the issue.

We are in a season where many politicians are implementing principles and policies that are negatively affecting the poor, the vulnerable and the voiceless. According to Proverbs 31: 8 – 9 “Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.”
The Lord is asking, “Where are His people – the prophets and the pastors; where are the politicians, to speak up against the injustices and the treatment of the poor, vulnerable and voiceless?” The Lord God says He shall shake and purge among His people because of their silence on these matters.

The spirit of Jezebel is emerging with different tactics. God’s people must be careful that they don’t exchange their inheritance for recognition and accolades.  Remember 1 Kings 21.  The enemy seeks to trick many out of their birthright this season.  The Lord says, stay the course.

God will stir up the nest of the wicked and bring many of them to their knees, especially within the entertainment industry. There are a going to be exposures regarding the evil lifestyle of some within the entertainment industry.

God is calling the believers especially during this period leading up to June 2018, to cry out in much prayer and fasting, that the enemy will not re-group and that a purging will take place. World leaders set your houses in order!  For too long you have been living lives of deception – money, sex and witchcraft have become the order of the day.

God’s hands will be heavy upon those involved in witchcraft.

God is asking, “Where is the Blessed, Holy Spirit Whom He has flowed into the hearts of His people? Why are His people not rising up against the forces of darkness?  This is the time for the power of the Holy Ghost to be demonstrated.

More dangerous laws have been formulated and are coming to put God’s people in bondage, but God will break them up.

More fires will burn, and many will lose their riches.

Pray for Sudan, Denmark, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, China, Kenya (Nairobi).

Pray also against biological warfare that may take place and affect many.

The Lord says He is going to pull the covers off those who are pretending they are with God.

The Lord says, “Stop touching and sexually abusing the teenagers! They are valuable to Me!”

The Lord says those who started with Him, who were anointed with oil and then walked away, they will pay a terrible price if they do not return to their First Love.

God will begin to deal with those who are behind the gunmen. He says He is about to expose them.
Urgent prayer needed for the Norwegian Prime Minister. The Spirit of the Lord says there are persons within her own party plotting and conspiring to get rid of her.  Her life is in danger.  She is very discouraged and wants to give up.  The enemy wants her out.  God loves her and wants to use her for His glory.

There is a great outcry for the youth in Jamaica. The enemy wants to take them out.  The Lord says He wants His people to rise up from different parts of the island and cry out for the children.
Pray against a global flu epidemic and against the spirit of infirmity. Pray against the oppressive spirit that is going to attack every nation.

Pray against seizures occurring with both adults and children. Pray 2 Corinthians 2: 16 and declare that the children will have the mind of Christ.

Pray for the fishermen in Jamaica and throughout the nations. The must begin to arm themselves and also let the authorities know their whereabouts.  They will be coming up against deadly sea creatures as well as pirates.

The Spirit of the Lord says there is too much talk regarding “church hurt”. Many have not gathered together with others in church and ministry but have instead chosen to stay home.  The Lord says they must repent, receive healing and get back into the assembly.  Remember 1 Corinthians 14: 33, “For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.”  Also remember Hebrews 10: 24 – 25, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”  The Lord says many of His people have been hurt because they did not allow Him to process them.

The Lord says there are going to be riots and demonstrations in Barcelona, the USA (regarding immigration). Additionally there is a push to call early election in Jamaica, and if that is done, there will be riots and chaos.  This is also connected to the killings taking place in the country.