Signs of the Times Everywhere
Part 2
Through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson and Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio
The presumptuousness of man will do things that will anger God. Many have crossed the line and will bring judgement upon their nation. We have seen the globe taking a different turn.
1. There are many in the Body of Christ that God desires to use but He cannot do so because they have become filled with pride and have rejected the Holy Spirit.
2. The Lord is calling all the Esthers and the Mordecais to speak as there are dangers ahead. If the Esthers don’t rise, they will get caught up in it also. It is time to shake up security, time to change the guard, it is time for new door keepers. There are dangers ahead locally and internationally. There are plots ahead that must be avoided. Haman needs to be removed from the gates so that the wealth can be transferred and justice can take place within the gates. Many of the plans the enemy wants to execute, he wants to use the women to carry them out. Don’t be fooled by the women. God wants the Church – particularly the intercessors – to wake up.
3. More exposure will take place regarding pastors and congregants in affairs. More people will want to fall away from the church and start house-to-house prayer meetings.
4. Trouble is ahead for President Putin and great exposure will come upon him.
5. Pray for Shaquille O’neal.
6. Pray against disaster that is pending for Port Royal.
7. Pray for the prophets in Jamaica, because there is a major one whom God will cause to be revealed.
8. Pray for the schools in Jamaica, as the enemy is planning to infiltrate and destroy the schools within the nation. Pray particularly for the following schools:
i. Edwin Allen High School
ii. Balmagie Primary School
iii. Papine High School
iv. Naggo Head Primary School
v. Eltham High School
9. Many want to bring a bad name to the schools and bring them down. Monies are being paid to students to carry out certain activities.
10. Many great men will commit suicide. Pray against the spirit of suicide.
11. Perilous times are coming if man does not change and repent.
12. We will begin to see history repeat itself globally.
13. Something is going to happen to get the attention of the entire globe.
14. God is angry with the wicked, and we will begin to see more flood waters rise and many lands will be taken away.
15. The eyes of God are watching and He is about to expose two (2) major persons in Jamaica from both political sides. There are large sums of money being paid to take people “out of the picture”.
16. God is calling the churches in Jamaica to prepare for the souls because there is a major flood (of souls) coming.
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