U.S. Forest Service photo.



By: Apostle Steve Lyston

Luke 21: 25 says, “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;”

We are seeing these six (6) occurrences taking place in the earth like never before.

Over the years we have been prophesying about these things and in the Word of the Lord for 2018 (Part 3) these things were also prophesied. Read number 2, 7, 15, 16, 17, 19, 33 and 34.

We have seen the devastation caused by fires, in different parts of the United States – California, the Carolina as well as volcanic eruptions in Hawaii and other parts of the world; as well as earthquakes in Indonesia with death toll of 300 and rising. There is even a major disaster in Florida as was prophesied – they call it the red tide; Dolphins, sharks and other marine life are perishing in alarming numbers and are being washed up on the shores. Scientists say the worst is to come. All this is having a negative impact on marine life as well as human consumption and economic growth. The questions we need to ask are, “Is the consumption of fish still safe?”, “Is our water system still safe for human consumption?” “Is there addition testing to ensure that there is no further disease breakout?” and “How safe and stable is our communication system, are we ready for a blackout”

While many talk about global warming, the greatest hindrance to the environment are human beings. Our own actions have been destroying our environment. Weapons testing and polluting the ocean for economic gain. Scientists also have gone beyond their human boundaries and some of what they are doing is impacting negatively on the environment. We are now seeing an increase in “freak” occurrences such as freak storms and flash floods.

In Genoa, Italy August 14, 2018, strong winds caused a raised highway to collapse killing at least 25 and injuring 11 pulled from the rubble – according to Genoa’s Mayor Marco Bucci.

Further to that, on August 8, 2018, a rare fire tornado was reported in the United Kingdom appropriately referred to it as a “firenado.” Firefighters in Derbyshire, England, captured a strange and frightening natural phenomenon on video Tuesday.

God Still Speaks

God has been speaking from the time of creation until today. He speaks through His servants and when man refuses to listen to God’s servants, then man pays the price. We have been destroying the planet for the sake of greed – greedy organizations who influence nations and politicians to pass unjust laws which impact and affect us all particularly the poor the fatherless and the voiceless within a nation.

The number one threat to the planet is not global warming or climate change it is sin, because sin affects the climate (read the Book of Genesis) and the very animals are now being impacted/affect and this will affect human beings consuming them as food.

Scientists will now become bankrupt of ideas and answers because they no longer acknowledge Him as the Creator. Many are now worshipping the creation without realizing that the very creation depends on God for sustenance and relevance of purpose (Psalms 148)

It is critical for different leaders and lawmakers to come together to develop a plan which could be driven by the United Nations to help save lives and deal with other disasters which could be coming.

Several prophecies in Part 3 of the Word of the Lord 2018 published in the Gleaner (Jamaica)

#2 Focus on Revelation 5, Revelation 8, and Revelation 18. We are going to see a lot of problems with the cosmos (cosmic convulsions) similar to Exodus 10: 21 – as a sign of God’s displeasure in the earth. There will be a lot of activity on/with the sun, and scientists will have their hands full. There will be problems with vegetation as well as volcanic eruptions, increase of earthquakes in diverse places, and serious problems with marine life. May fish will die and there will be great pollution. Meteors will fall and there will be increased testing of weapons in the sea. (Joel 2: 30 – 32, Jeremiah 9: 15 – 23). All these things will affect crop, property, and life. We will be seeing greater flooding, more bloodshed, and pestilence.

#7 There will be wars in the ocean. Many problems will arise in the oceans, which can cause major losses, especially with tuna fish. Many who eat tuna fish will get sick because of ocean contamination.

#16 Nations need to be ready to assist other nations because a chemical disaster is at large. Many seas are going to be polluted due to rebellion in man throughout the ecosystem. I saw in the Spirit the extinction of Dolphins due to severe pollution. Due to the severe pollution that will be taking place, many will become infected from every class level. However, the poor will be more susceptible to the health hazards.

#19 Fires will burn in diverse places in America, Africa, and west of Indonesia.

#26 We will see cyber-electronic devices, IDs, and other data-driven systems that will be implemented under the guise of boosting national security and bringing economic growth to countries, but the Lord tells His people to be ready.