As soldiers, in the same way we are trained to fight naturally, there is a spiritual battle that we must also fight.  “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” (II Corinthians 10: )  Strongholds in this context refer to anything opposing God’s will for your life and family.  Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that “We wrestle not against flesh and blood…” hence, carnal wars and worldly weapons will not do!  We need weapons empowered by God to give us victory as soldiers.  Remember, once you are trained as a soldier in the natural, there is no retirement; you are always a soldier!  We must always be ready and always be second to none!
In the same way that you would dress in full battle order while on patrol or in war, likewise the Lord wants us to dress in full armor spiritually.  There is no leave or retirement for us!  The enemy still wants to ambush us, our family members and loved ones.
God has been speaking to many past and present military personnel in dreams/visions.  Sometimes He will show you visions with you mustering; and sometimes He will show you yourself mustering in fatigue/camouflage.
When He shows that to you, then you must be on the alert. Pray for your family and yourself; and if you are an officer, pray for the men under your command!  The Holy Spirit always communicates with military people in military ways.  For example, if He shows you yourself in ceremonial dress, it means something official or business.  Also, when He shows you a pistol, it means close combat fighting and that it is a close enemy.  Rifles indicate that the battle is from afar. If He shows you a military vehicle it means that the nation or your work environment.  When He shows you your personal vehicle, it speaks of you and your family.  When He shows you your past house, past vehicle, past school, then it indicates that some past enemies are in action and in sniper mode.

Further to that, never take the following symbols lightly.
Broken teeth
Someone kissing you
Watch your 12’o’clock and your 6 o’clock!
Signs and symbols are very important, and it is equally important for us to take note or heed.  They can save your life, the life of your comrade in arms, as well as the lives of your family and children.
While I prayed, the Lord revealed that many soldiers – past and present – are coming up against battles because of past choices.  Some are against our own comrades, neighbors or past relationships that went sour.  It could be that someone is angry with you and set a trap for your demise.  Many times it is a matter of soldiers who got involved in witchcraft; or others employ the use of ‘guards’ to protect them and it backfired.  Hence we are called to fight in the spiritual and natural daily.  Fighting in the spiritual realm can avert tragedy for you and your family.
There are many things you can do to stop the manifestation of what is revealed to you that would work adversely against you and your family.  You can go on a 3-day fast or a 10-day fast – vegetables and water only; and ask God to avert it and bind it.  Ensure you pray for your children daily – regardless of their age.  SOMETHING HAPPENS WHEN MEN PRAY! We have greater authority and as fathers, we have the authority to bless and to curse!  When the enemy cannot get you, they will go after your children.  Ask the Lord to put a hedge of protection around you and your family daily.
Remember, you must war spiritually for your faith, family, finance, community and nation!  We will never outgrow warfare, we must learn to adapt.
As you arise each day, pray this prayer according to Exodus 33: 14; Psalm 91 and Psalm 103: 21.
Father in the name of Jesus we come to You right now.
According to Psalm 91, cover me, my family and my household each day;
From gunmen, knifemen, terrorists, snipers, ambush or friendly fire
As well as past and present enemies.
Give me discernment and keep me in a state of readiness
To maneuver and to be ready when the enemy comes.
Keep my weapons in a state of readiness – they will not malfunction.
Help me always to remember my marksmanship principle.
Release your Divine angels to assist me Jehovah Tsebaoth.
Jehovah Shammah, let Your Presence cover me always and expose any spies.
Cover me with Your blood and release all your ministering angels
Be with me always to instill tactics and strategies.
In Jesus’ name – VICTORY!  Amen.