We are just 2 days away from an election that is one of the most important in history! The outcome of the election is extremely significant, especially as it relates to the Church, Israel, the Anti-Christ and the Rapture. We also need to watch the Book of Revelation, particularly Revelation 17.
The Lord showed me 2 visions prophetically which are frightening; one about a year ago and one just now!
While many prophets have been prophesying victory for a particular candidate, we must take into consideration that Biblical Prophecies are the only Prophecies that cannot fall to the ground – as are found in Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation. Other prophecies, personal prophecies, prophecies about the nations can fall to the ground regardless of the accuracy, subject to the condition given, “if you will… I will” – so obedience is a condition. We also must pray when a prophetic word is given, for God’s will to prevail because there will always be opposition. Only a small section of the Body of Christ is praying for God’s will to be done! If we don’t pray, the outcome might bring us back to our knees. We tend to pray after the fact, not before; but it might be too late!
There are many things at stake in this election! 1) The Institution of Family 2) The Church 3) Freedom of Speech
Sadly, most Christians are focusing on material things, not heavenly things – not the things of God!
The next thing the Lord showed me is that we must pray for a free and fair election, because it is not going to be a fair one. There is great sabotage and undermining. There is a stifling of votes! Pray that the Christians will not be ruled by the Philistines at the end of the elections. I believe the true prophets will emerge after the elections regardless of how dark things will be.
We pray for the ‘third world’/Caribbean countries, because they will feel the impact greatly!
It is anyone’s race, and there is a possibility that the most vocal people that were pushing for a particular agenda on gender to win will be experiencing the most remorse!
On either side it looks dismal for each presidential candidate – depending on the angle you are looking from – but what we must pray for is that God’s Will to prevail and not the works of man’s hands! It is all about God and what He wants!
Let us pray for the great harvest that is about to come home to the Lord as in the Book of Revelation. Let us pray for the backsliders to return and for the Church to be rapture-ready! Pray for the protection of Israel and for the Israeli Prime Minister. Pray for souls to be saved and the Books of Revelation and Daniel to be taught within the churches. Don’t listen to anyone who says the Book of Revelation is not for now! It is past present and future and we are seeing the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation.
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