The cry locally and globally regarding sexual impurity in the church on the part of the church leader leaves a lot of questions and opportunities. Were those with the titles of Bishop or Pastor within the local church afraid to address these serious matters because they were afraid of financial fallout and popularity. Everyone needs to really read and seek to understand I Corinthians 5. We need to judge within the church and let God deal with the world.

The Church seriously needs to look at how they select leaders – are they selected by level of education, societal status. Leaders must be selected by the Holy Spirit and the Word particularly Acts 6; I Timothy 3: 6, Luke 6: 12 – 17.

Is the church putting young converts and people who are consumed with pride in positions of leadership in the Church – those who are untested – (I Timothy 3: 6). These days, people turn into Bishops and Apostles overnight and have quite a large following thereafter without them being tested or proven.
When a leader of a church – whether Pastor, Bishop or Prophet – commit sexual sins openly, and it is exposed they are still kept in the position without correction or restoration and then they call it grace! (Galatians 6: 1) Part of the restoration process includes discipline; for example, putting them to sit down for a year while they receive counselling.
If the church supports common-law relationships or marry those who are unequally yoked according to the Scriptures (II Corinthians 6) then it means the church is also upholding sexual impurity and opens the door for such.

What about Worship Teams and Musicians. They are now operating like stars and many of them are walking in sexual impurity, when they are supposed to be the most holy ministry in the church. Yet we allow them to operate and that opes the door to sexual immorality and defilement of the congregations. (Read IN HIS PRESENCE by Pastor Michelle Lyston) They mix with the world and think God is okay with it. So because we no longer allow the Holy Spirit, the Word of God and Jesus Christ to be the Center, the Body of Christ is now paying the price. If one belief is not lining up with the Word of God, then we are not even supposed to listen to them. Read Galatians 1: 8

Finally, many attend churches, but did God lead them to where they are going or is it simply a physical attraction?

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