Old Prophet, Young Prophet

Oftentimes there are Scriptures that are popular but often misunderstood. One such Scripture is I Kings 13 – Young Prophet, Old Prophet. Those who are immature or misinformed tend to quickly turn to this Scripture when they don’t want to submit and are walking in disobedience. They often try to use this Scripture in the context of age citing that they are the young ones that the Lord is working with now and so they don’t have to obey those before them including their shepherd. In no respect was this Scripture speaking about age or seniority.

In this Scripture – I Kings 13 – the Lord was speaking about the lifestyle of a prophet, and it meant that an ‘old prophet’ was one who was stuck in the old ways – and one who has fallen into apostasy; one who compromised the word of God for material and other gain. It meant that an old prophet was one who had gone back to their old lifestyle and was no longer walking in truth. It also meant that they were no longer walking in the fruit of the spirit, but were instead walking in the flesh. Thus, that prophet backslid but still functioned in his/her authority like Balaam, and those who were on Jezebel’s payroll.

The ‘young prophet’ referred to one who walked in truth, holiness and righteousness regardless of the cost. They had a holy lifestyle nor tell people what they wanted to hear. Micaiah (I Kings 22) is one example of the Young Prophet and so is Jeremiah.

So, it is possible to be young in the faith and even young in age and still be an Old Prophet if your lifestyle does not line up with the Word of God. Whenever a person is not walking in the truth, God refers to them as old, and we must always remain Young! This is why as Christians, we can’t mix or fellowship with other Christians who are not walking in the truth or holiness. The word even says we are not even supposed to eat (network or affiliate) with them. (I Corinthians 5)


Many time people will say they are walking in favor; but favor is something that one has to maintain true Obedience (Deuteronomy 28: 1 – 14) True obedience and genuine submission to Godly authority. (Luke 2: 49 – 52) Hence favor – like faith – has a measure. It increases as we continue to walk in God’s perfect will. Favor also has to do with those to whom you submit and those you serve. For example, Ruth and Naomi, Elisha and Elijah, Jacob and Laban. Last year’s favor cannot deal with this year’s issues So when a person continually walks in disobedience, then that grace and favor will cease to exist and then you will get a true revelation of what favor is all about.

Many times, people say that they are called and chosen by God, but remember that the word says that many are called and few are chosen. So, to be chosen, a person must be able to pass the tests in the timing of God. Of the 32,000 that were called, less than 1% passed the tests; and these tests were simple instructions and required attention to detail and vigilance as well as focus on the kingdom. There must be a steadfast focus on the Kingdom!

So, while many say that they are called and chosen and can’t even submit to the leadership of a good mentor, they need to think again. Would the Lord give authority to the ones who won’t don’t or refuse to submit to authority?

God’s criteria for using someone within the Kingdom to carry out His will and purpose is higher and He will not change His word to fit into our desire rather than His will.

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