Climate Change: An Apocalyptic Event


The Rim Fire in the Stanislaus National Forest near in California began on Aug. 17, 2013 and is under investigation. The fire has consumed approximately 149, 780 acres and is 15% contained. U.S. Forest Service photo.

Steve Lyston | Climate Change: An Apocalyptic Event
Monday | August 27, 2018 | 12:00 AM

With all the great effort being made by various nations to address the issue of climate change, and awareness that the media is attempting to bring to the topic, there are some key elements that are missing in addressing what is taking place.

Despite man’s best efforts, we cannot separate the natural, scientific and spiritual connection that exists between man, the entire universe and God. Luke 21: 25 says, “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth, distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring.”

We are seeing these six occurrences taking place in the earth like never before. There are the ‘Red Tide’ in parts of Florida; earthquakes in diverse places, volcanic eruptions; floods displacing hundreds of thousands; hurricanes occurring close to places that don’t usually get such happenings; rare fire tornadoes and other fires raging all over, and the Pacific Ocean being 10 degrees warmer than usual.
All these together have the potential to bring about a global famine (food and water will be the new gold).

Man’s Contribution

Negative declarations/words, as well as alternative lifestyles, greed, unrighteousness, crime, violence, abortion, witchcraft, the worship of the universe and its contents instead of the Creator all have their consequential effect on the earth. (Psalm 148). Man has to remember that the very universe depends on the Creator for its function and sustenance. Injustice, breaking spiritual laws, and the way we treat the poor are just as important and consequential.
If the Bible tells us that God is shortening the day for the sake of the elect, then it also means that the earth’s axis would also be shifted. That would affect every aspect of nature. The creation of the universe occurred by the Word spoken by God. So any repairing or restoration that would take place must be through the Word. Hebrews 11: 3 reminds us of this – look more deeply at the word “framed” in that Scripture.

Whenever we try to legislate God’s Word out of our schools, workplaces and the environment, it will impact negatively on the climate. Man’s actions affect the earth, climate, air, ocean, and very soon will cause a greater problem with our local and global communication systems.
God created a perfect climate/cosmos, however, man’s actions created negative impact. Similarly, God created the rainbow – a symbol to man that He is the scientific ‘cure’ for the earth and all within.

When we cut down our trees and don’t replace them, or run toxic waste into the rivers and oceans, or interfere with the atmosphere, then we will continue to have more problems.
When we erect altars and statues to worship instead of worshipping the Almighty Creator, it will negatively affect us.
Apocalyptic Events

To truly understand what is happening, we must first begin to understand the Book of Revelation, the Seven Seals and the Seven Trumpets which will unfold (Revelation 7, 8 and 9). These Scriptures speak of the different horses – black, pale, white and gray, which speak of economic disruption and inflation which will trigger global famine.

They also symbolise disaster, death, oceanic contamination, skin disease, water and food- related sicknesses, starvation, devastation, military conflict, communication problems, cosmic catastrophes. These would affect the seven structures of creation and the seven classes of men and cause agricultural, horticultural and aquacultural problems.

Then we would see freak storms and winds, so all vegetation will be affected as well. We are seeing more frequent occurrences of falling meteoroids which will destroy much of the marine life and marine commerce.
Fresh-Water Pollution
There is going to be pollution of fresh water (Revelation 8: 10 – 11). For years, I have been calling for strategic plans for storage of water and food and even Jamaica should not have designated the Caymanas area for building, but for water storage and protection of the natural waters there. Water and food will be critical; we cannot continue to look at climate change from a singular perspective.