Christians In The Marketplace

Every institution, place of business and, in fact, any environment or organisation outside of home and Church is considered the marketplace. Christ encouraged us to be effective in the marketplace – to be the salt and light. We have the cure and we can show the way and the truth, and give guidance, wisdom and knowledge.

A Christian in an organisation who is simply working for pay and benefits, but is not creating any impact, is like a thief. Some of them say they are only going to follow their job description because no one is listening to them. But what about that part of the job description which highlights use of initiative, especially when God has given you insight and foresight? In light of this, therefore, any Christian who is not creating a positive impact within the marketplace must reevaluate their relationship with God. Many say they are Christians, but they have no relationship with God.

No boss will ignore a good idea. Not even King Nebuchadnezzar. When God grants favour and grace to a Christian to work in a particular organisation, it is their responsibility to outline to the organisation the weaknesses, the opportunities, the strengths and the threats. When Christians fail to carry out their functions, it creates a negative impact and significant fallout, and we are now seeing companies making huge losses, falling out of favour and poised for defeat; meanwhile, Christians sit and observe from the sidelines, putting their own jobs at risk.

Oftentimes, Christians make excuses regarding secular organisations versus Christians. However, God did not allow any organisation to be Christian or non-Christian. He allowed organisations to make a profit to create an impact within the community, so other people can be gainfully employed. A Christian’s job in the workplace is not necessarily to preach to anyone per se, but for their light to shine in the organsation so that it is clear that their foundation is built on the Rock and that God gives them the power to get wealth.

Christians should be teaching them how to make profits. We are kingdom ambassadors, and an ambassador speaks on behalf of their kingdom regarding the best and most positive principle to utilise in order to maintain favour and grace. We must positively change negative culture within the marketplace, but most are allowing the negative culture to change them instead.

Governments are focusing on spending in the wrong area. How can many nations have immense levels of natural resources (oil, gold, water) yet people are homeless and are eating out of the garbage?

Christians should stop giving the excuse that they are afraid to lose their jobs, and speak the truth about the revelations they are receiving via the positive and negative happenings in the organisation. They must always remember that opposition is inevitable. For example, Daniel and Esther, who served in various capacities of the political and national arenas. They never compromised because of the benefits available to them, but they kept their leader in line. They were never once fearful because they were confident in God. They saw their workplace as their assignment, and we must learn from Jesus in the marketplace and how

He impacted it. He was not afraid to approach fishermen, farmers, lawyers, the heathen, politicians, doctors and billionaires.
It is God’s desire for organisations to be blessed and for leaders to be successful. A lot of companies are operating at a loss and they are simply looking in the wrong areas for the source of the problem.

Wherever a Christian works, their impact on the organisation should bring positive change, growth and development. They should keep their boss (or the king) smiling even when other advisers are giving information. They must stand out because they have the right information. If they fail to do it, then their heads will also roll among the others when chopping-block time comes.