Famine And Nation Building

The success of every ­nation is determined by what they used to build the nation. King Solomon’s success resulted from the fact that he didn’t just focus on building his house – the central government – but also focused on building God’s house.

It is not just a physical house, but the establishment of laws that glorified God (1 Kings 9: 10). The building of God’s house is never secondary, and the economy of a nation should never affect the building of God’s house. Different nations have been building, but on what are they building? With what specifications are they building? Furthermore, to whom are they building? Which house are they building?

Building has to do with policies, laws, implementation methods, philosophies – similar to what we see in Genesis 11, where they wanted to build a global economic system without God’s input or ­involvement. They were building God out of their plans and systems. They wanted the blessings of God without God. As a result, it brought chaos and downfall, famine, starvation, global migration and brain drain.

When we build God’s house, He will build our house. Solomon understood and that is why he ­surpassed all the kings of the earth during his time, in riches and wealth (1 Kings 12: 24).

Recently, we saw a law being passed in New York to legalise the abortion of babies even up to full term, and the Trade Centre was lit up in celebration. That is building as well, but building to what and with what? And what will the reward be? Abortion does not happen in a vacuum. It is also the abortion of futures, nations and economies as well, and brings famine. So many Third-World nations – including Jamaica – are utilising this building principle to build their country. Are they willing to deal with the consequences of that? They need to remember that the chairman – the sovereign, Supreme One – have both veto power and the power to override laws, treaties and resolutions (binding and non-­binding). It is so disappointing to see young ­politicians simply abort their ­political future by supporting abortion to build nations.

Every person within each nation needs to know that the actions of past administrations affect present administrations. So even when new leaders are installed, they are often blamed for the misdirection of the nation caused by the ­actions of the past ­administrations. Recognise that unless there is atonement and ­restitution, the effects of the ­action does not ­simply disappear, and when ­harvest comes, then those effects will produce famine.

The Oxford Dictionary defines famine as “extreme scarcity of food; starvation”. From a biblical perspective, famine always comes to get the people back to God. It also promotes the true leaders. We have famine where there is war, crime, and violence on the increase. Famine for food, caused by drought, and it triggers price increases and food shortage. It affects livestock and agriculture in general. There is also the ­famine that is the result of economic ­systems crashing – recession, ­foreclosures, receiverships and massive murders are the result. However, the most dangerous one happens when God goes silent on a nation.

We are in a time now where planning, preparation, positioning and stockpiling are the keys for survival. Nobody wants to be in a situation where the money we have become so greedy for becomes valueless, or to get to the stage where someone would be willing to give away their livestock and land just to get bread and water for survival.

In a famine, those who have food will always have power. So if food and water be the order of the day, what will become of the stock market and the money we fought so hard to hoard?

Famine will also level the ­economic field, where economic equality results and everyone will be on the same level financially.

Famine tests every individual’s foundation and also the ­foundation used to build and reveal true advisors are and who are not.

My advice is that each person take up their responsibility to have a plan in place for themselves and their family for survival, because when the dust settles at the end of the day, it will be every man for himself and loyalty will by a rare thing. The highest bidder will win.

  • Steve Lyston is a biblical economics consultant and author of several books, including ‘End Time Finance’ and ‘The New Millionaire’.

‘In a famine, those who have food will always have power. So if food and water be the order of the day, what will become of the stock market and the money we fought so hard to hoard?’