The Word of the Lord for First Quarter 2019

(Jan – March 2019)

Through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston and Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson.


A time of unity and completion Divine Perfection. We are seeing the manifestations of the past, present and future unfolding. Cycles and curses are broken. Exposure, vindication and resurrection are happening. Dead or dormant dreams and visions will be resurrected. Things are about to be awakened again and spring again. God is calling the watchman/prophet to be awakened, as danger is pending. The enemy is regrouping. For the Lord is carrying His people to a time of holiness. (Isaiah 6: 3). We will be seeing a lot of Uzziahs move out, while there will be a changing of the guard globally.

God is calling His people to a time of separation – the clean from the unclean. As separation takes place, prepare for the blessings. Numbers 6: 23 – 26 says, “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”’

Receive blessing grace and peace in this season because the Lord wants to bring wholeness in this season – body, soul and spirit. Many are healed but not whole, because they have allowed the spirit of ingratitude to rob them of whole.

We are in a season where God is dealing with the prophet, the priest and the king.

We are in a time of communion, fasting and prayer. He is calling us from the outer courts to the inner courts and into the Holy of Holies.

This is a time of excellence, perfection – a time to bear fruit and a time where God is calling His people to fish.

The Lord says that HE will deal with all those that are promoting and supporting immorality. HE will expose all those things they are planning and put them to naught.

There will be a global disruption within the communications systems.

We are about to see a global famine, especially a lack of drinking water and fuel. Many tanks will become dry. Many animals will die and many people will starve. Store water and non-perishable items including matches, lighters, candles. A time of darkness is coming and it will affect the entire globe.

Store sanitary items and medications for adults and children.

Establish food banks. There will be shortage of fruits. Prepare yourselves.

All Christians should pray without ceasing. There is no time to waste. Much prayer, much fasting.

A lot of infiltration and subtle sabotage has been taking place in different businesses and other organizations which will cost the lives of many.

Pray for North and South America.

Pray specifically for California, American Airlines, Jetblue, Caribbean Airlines – serious undermining and problems going on.

Global pollution of water taking place. Avoid drinking the tap water.

The political arena is shaking and more exposure is coming. Many don’t care about the people; neither do they care where it is coming from. Great financial exposure will take place within the secular and the churches.

The remainder of 2019 will be a period of preparation for the saints. What would normally take a year, will take place in a day.

The faithful shall reap the good of the land. Stay in God’s Presence.

The Spirit of Lying is raging globally and within the Church. Many leaders are undercover – double agents.

From now until December 2019, it will be a year of exposure and revelation spiritually and naturally.


God will expose things that happened in earlier times – way back that they have been trying to cover up. Especially monies from oil, gas and road works.

The globe will have no excuse for not receiving the gospel, because it is being preached in every nation.

There will be an international arms race. Many countries that are considered to be weaker will begin to stockpile powerful weapons.

Pray for Iran, Britain, Turkey and Syria.

Countries that have been oppressing other countries in the past will be paying the price for what they have done.

Those who are planning evil underground, God shall open the ground and bury them. History is changing. For those who are breaking the laws of God, will feel it!

Pray against scientists and hospitals that are carrying out evil practices and unethical plans that are costing the lives of others.

There is serious sabotage and corruption taking place, but the more they do it the more it will come to light. Many come together and forward plans and subtly put things in place to bring political instability. But the Lord says it shall be exposed and many will hang their heads in shame. If they do not stop, it may lead to the exposure of influential persons in both the secular and the Church.

Exposure will also take place with funds.

You will see new laws creep into the nation of Jamaica and you will hear “This is the law!” “You are walking into a new age My people!” Says the Lord.

The Lord says He will allow the exposure to take place because it is the only way His people would be free.

Another big scandal is coming for another major prophet.