Debt Free Is The Only Pathway To True Liberation


As we know, many persons are going through problems left, right and center. Some are on the verge of giving up, others want to commit suicide. Even teens are falling under the pressure.

Globally, it is not a rumor, it is a fact we see first-hand. Every category is being affected – lawyers, doctors, teachers, pastors, laborers – even some bankers who desire to live right are feeling it now. Many say, “We have fasted, prayed and given and things are getting worse.” People are asking the question – ‘Why am I doing all the things I should, yet things get worse, while my neighbors do not and it seems they are prospering?’

But as God-fearing people, we can’t live the way the world does. We have to build our lives on God’s economy and totally rely on Him.

The fact is that the world’s economic successes and rewards are coming to an end. They have run out of ideas and they are on the last round. Economists can’t even make a proper forecast.

Many of us are being pressed to the limit, but remember that it is through the fire that we, God’s people, are born which means in times of hardship, our hidden gifts, creativity and potential are revealed to us.

God wants to and is going to bless His faithful ones, but He wants us to be debt free. Only when you have become debt free do you experience true freedom. We must be wise with the resources God is going to give us. We have to start getting rid of the credit cards and start reducing what we owe.

He wants to bless us so that we can be the new lenders. Recognize that when we give to the poor, we lend to the Lord. Lenders call the shots and they decide the interest rates. There are those who are poor who we have neglected, but we need to feed them! (Proverbs 19: 17)

God is calling us to seek Him more deeply. Many are too busy, hence they cannot receive what the Lord has in store for them. He wants to give them greater insight for their lives. He wants them to be inventors and unlock the inventions He is waiting to give each one.

God’s entrepreneurs

God is raising up new millionaires, entrepreneurs with solutions and new ideas. The world is bankrupt of solutions. The world cannot do without the kingdom. Even Pharaoh needed a Joseph.

Your suffering also brings wisdom. Impatience is what brings us into debt and problems most times. So God is teaching us patience and giving us knowledge, wisdom and understanding at the same time. There are too many crafty people lurking out there waiting to rob you of your inheritance.

Many times, we will lament and say God is late. But He was before time, in time and on time.

Your suffering can also give you a greater revelation of who God Is. There are different attributes of God – different sides of Him for us to experience. If we had no problems, His varying sides and attributes would not be revealed to us. Some, in their sickness, have found Him to be their healer; others experienced His provision and, in their time of lack, have found Him to be provider.

When one faces problems and there seems to be no way out – high debt, bad credit scores – He can be the God of favor to such one. His favor qualifies you when the odds are against you. Even if you may be facing eviction, or your business is being auctioned or if you have been denied a student loan – there is always a ram in the bush. Many times, we go through hardship for the glory of God. But recognize also that we go through problems in order to increase our faith. When our faith increases, our favor will increase. When our favor increases, our vision will increase. So, too, will our power and money.