As we celebrate this season, the whole purpose for which Christ came was to give hope to mankind a second chance – peace and goodwill to all men.

He came into this world in a simple form. He didn’t come in a 5-star hotel, nor did He live a lavish lifestyle, He didn’t have health insurance or insurance of any kind. His entrance connected many to the suffering a normal family goes through daily. He suffered many hardships from the start being born in what we would call a barn. His life teaches us that the birthplace of a person and the family they were born into don’t determine what a person will become.

While no one may know the exact date of His birth, the most important thing to celebrate is that He was born. Luke 2: 8 helps us understand further. In those days, sheep were kept in the open between March and December. The focus should be on the fact that He came. There are many things that we celebrate that we can’t find proof for in the Scriptures.

Man Can Be At Peace

Jesus came to show us that man can be a t peace with each other, but that we must first be at peace with the Father. Jesus’ main focus, as a CEO, was empowering the poor by bringing transformation to them. He teaches us the importance of reconciliation, restoration and forgiveness, and that only when that is achieved can we achieve wholeness – body, soul and spirit! (Not wellness – body, mind and spirit.)

Healthy Minds

A healthy mind begins with putting Christ first. Jesus Christ shows us as a CEO, that no healthy human mind should be wasted. He taught the wealthy about the dangers of pursuing wealth without God, and the danger of greed and mammon – evils that distract and hinder one from gaining true riches and wealth. Matthew 6: 19 – 21 reminds us that we must lay up treasures in heaven and He warns us, as the CEO, that earthly treasures are temporary but heavenly treasures are eternal. He further teaches us that the development of people – human resources – must be our priority. He does not prohibit material possessions, nor the enjoyment of material things, according to 1 Timothy 6: 17, but He teaches us that those things are not our greatest assets, instead, our greatest asset is the power of forgiveness.

Fulfilling your purpose – being who we were created to be – is the most fulfilling accomplishment, and brings us into true prosperity. If He can transform those the society deem to be untrained and uneducated to become world changers, then the gifts and talents with which we are born, can be nurtured to bring change to society and help us achieve our sustainable development goals.

We are born with so many talents, and Jesus shows us that regardless of where you are from, you can change your society for the better.

Economic Strategy

As CEO, Jesus was a master of economics and He shows us how to achieve growth and development, and further lets us know that no earthly government can eradicate poverty without looking to God. The five loaves and two fishes exemplify this principle, as it reveals that the resources to deal with the problems in our society exist within that very society and always among unusual sources. If Prime Ministers, Presidents and Kings were looking up to the ultimate CEO, then the needs of the people would be achieved and their priorities would be properly aligned and all their decisions would be in God’s will. One of the most outstanding things we should learn from the CEO is that the fragments of the society – exemplified by what the disciples collected after the multitude ate – the homeless, fatherless, widows are “picked up”. That means we must look within before we employ from the outside. This is so whether it is an organization a community or a nation. In addition to this, Jesus teaches us the importance of debt write-offs – whether for individuals, organizations or nations.

Let us learn from the Greatest CEO, as we prepare ourselves for a brand-new year – the Year of Pey/The Mouth, the Year of the “R’s” for the Faithful – Recovery, Redemption, Reconciliation and Restoration for the Manifestation of One’s Vision.

Happy New Year to all my readers and the Management and Staff of The Gleaner.

Apostle Steve Lyston is the author of several solution-oriented books including Tactics And Strategies For The Famine and Family The First Line Of Government