Since the beginning of 2020 we have seen many interesting happenings which are all Apocalyptic in nature. We have been warning for years about preparation in dealing with some of what we are now facing. Some happenings are the result of the treatment of the poor within the society; some are due to our constant rebellion against the things of God and His ways; meanwhile others are the fulfillment of Scripture. Let us look at some of what is happening.

The Coronavirus Outbreak

While this outbreak began in Wuhan, China, “The rise in new coronavirus cases outside China, now constitutes a global health emergency, the World Health Organization’s Emergency Committee declared on Thursday, calling on all countries to take urgent measures to contain the respiratory disease.” (UN News)

This has the potential to impact the West significantly and particularly within poorer countries who don’t have the infrastructure to deal with this outbreak. There are also other outbreaks which have been discovered. The Lassa Fever Outbreak has killed 41 in less than a week in Nigeria. The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) said that from January 1 to January 26 a total of 258 confirmed cases, including five health workers, were reported across 19 states.

Earthquakes And Melting Glaciers

In Antarctica, a block of ice the size of Florida is melting more rapidly. If it melts altogether, or melting speeds up, then global sea levels would rise and potential inundate populated countries. Furthermore, land slippage would take place and famine would be imminent. All that would affect Agriculture, Tourism and Business in general and put further strain on the bankrupt health industry which is the case in many countries.

Unless nations begin to put serious plans in place – stockpile masks and vaccines, millions will die.

For years we have been warning through the Prophetic Word the Lord gives us regarding viruses, vaccines, respiratory illnesses, a skin disease and an eye disease never before seen. We have been telling how nations should prepare to prevent mass deaths, but the words have fallen on deaf ears as many nations are focusing on economic reform, gender issues and policies that come against the poor.

We have seen a significant increase of earthquakes worldwide, particularly in areas which were relatively quiet in that regard. These earthquakes have done infrastructural damage. There are other things that are happening under the sea as a result of these earthquakes – we don’t know the full extent of these occurrences.

Earthquakes carry a spiritual significance which include:

The Power of God being released upon nations

The Judgement of God

The Shaking of Foundations and Paradigm Shifts within Government and Administrations

Creation of Opportunities and Access

Wealth Transfer and Opportunities for the fair distribution of wealth.

God is getting the attention of Global Leaders as many no longer honor Him as God.

Seals And Horses

Revelation 6 – 10 speak to us about certain Apocalyptic happenings that would take place. It speaks of the four (4) horses which symbolize the following.

The White horse symbolizes international power and politics, in the form of military conquest and global deception.

The Red Horse symbolizes of civil war and strife.

The Black Horse symbolizes of economic disruption, inflation, and shortage – things becoming scarce.

The Pale Horse symbolizes disease, death, and devastation that will break out.


In addition to everything above, we will see the fulfillment of the seven trumpets ranging from vegetation and trees being struck and destroyed, and that will affect, agriculture, aquaculture and horticulture. We will also experience:

Major oceanic problems – death of many fishes. Contamination will increase significantly and marine life will be affected which ultimately affects our food – particularly seafood.

Fresh water will be affected as they will be polluted by meteorites and as such marine life be disrupted yet again.

There will be diseases as a result of the cosmic convulsions similar to Exodus 10: 21

There will be global deception particularly in the areas of politics and religion. Non-believers who refuse to repent will be seriously impacted.

God will also deal with organizations that promote immorality and those involved in witchcraft, according to Revelation 9: 13 – 21. Many will die.

Then we will see a conclusion of the seven (7) trumpets – the seven (7) fulfillments. Those who reject Grace will pay the price and all attention will be on the nation of Israel.

Regardless of what takes place in our world, there is always hope and the Grace of God. Nations who call upon him and follow His instructions will be favored and spared.

Apostle Steve Lyston is the author of many books including End Time Finance and Biblical Economics.