
Joel 2: 18 – 27

A Word From The Lord For His Faithful People

For many of us as Christians we have been hearing for a long time – “God is going to bless you!” “God is going to lift you up and use you!” Quite frankly many have become weary of hearing it and while some have given up on God and have walked away refusing to work with God’s timing, there are others who remain faithful to God and continue to trust Him and trust that He knows best!

There is a message for the faithful! Joel 2: 18 – 27! I am excited about this Scripture for the Lord said that this is the time of Public Blessing! This is the time He is going to bless us not only spiritually but naturally and in public!

After the Fasting, after the warfare, after the struggles and the faith walks, the Lord says He will be zealous for his land and pity His people – Joel 2: 18! He also said in verse 19 that He WILL send you grain and new wine and oil! The tide is changing and God’s face is now turning toward His people! He allowed us to walk through the wilderness, the valley of the shadow of death, and through dangerous territory, not because He wanted to destroy us, but because He wanted to train and strengthen us, that we may fully appreciate His blessings when He releases them! What’s more, God has stated in verse 19 that He is going to send to His people not just the spiritual blessings, but grain speaks of natural provision, new wine speaks of joy and oil speaks of the anointing! God is sending His people a complete package! The natural things that we have been asking the Lord for He has released and it is now being sent to us! Look for checks in the mail – LITERALLY!

Now is the time to go into the car dealerships and decree favor – and drive out with a brand new vehicle! The seeds you have sown are now springing up! Now is the time to walk into the furniture stores and decree favor! People to whom God had been speaking to extend their hand to bless you – so that they could be blessed by Him – disobeyed. And now God is going to bless you HIMSELF! And it will be too late for them to do it now for the opportunity has passed! You are going to walk into places and come out with a blessing and not even know how it happened! But even more interesting is that God is going to deal harshly with our enemies now – those who allowed themselves to be used by Satan to oppress, slander, hurt, deceive and frame the people of God.

The Lord says that we will no longer be a reproach among the nations which means He is vindicating in this season and concerning all the things that people said about us, (Joel 2: 19 – 20) not only them, but the nations that they slandered us in will know the truth and know that God is with us! He will send the demonic forces to a place where they will not last long, nor will they survive and a place where they will see water, and it cannot refresh them! He is going to remove those things that have always eaten away at our blessings and He is going to remove them far from us! So we will have a season of rest where we can enjoy the fullness of His blessings! (Joel 2: 21 – 26)

The Lord says that we will be so blessed that we will be satisfied! Human beings are not easily satisfied for we will always find something to complain about! But if God says that we will be so blessed that we will be satisfied – then can you imagine the magnitude of these natural blessings in addition to the spiritual blessings He has already promised! God’s people are about to walk into superabundance and no one will be able to stop it or subtract from it! He said that He is restoring the YEARS that the forces of darkness have eaten away at – our families, our assets, OUR JOY! For those whose husbands or wives have been pulled away by the enemy – if they do not return now both them and those that seduced them will be punished severely by God and God will give a new beginning! SAY NOTHING MORE AND LET GOD DO WHAT HE DESIRES TO DO! Cry no more! Be depressed no more! God is zealous over us now! He is blessing His faithful people NOW! But the best part of this prophetic word to His people is this: Then you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel; I am the Lord your God and there is no other. MY PEOPLE SHALL NEVER BE PUT TO SHAME! Many times we have suffered embarrassment as we stood our ground for and with God, but we were never and shall never be put to shame as we serve God! BE GLAD AND REJOICE AND RECEIVE YOUR PUBLIC BLESSINGS!