

We are in a critical time now where false teachings are going to be more rampant now than ever before! False teachings have been plaguing the Church/Body of Christ! Never forget the Scripture in II Kings 4: 38 – 41

It is the responsibility of local Church Leaders to feed the people with the provision that God has given them. Many are not satisfied with the provision God has given for them so they are now going into other fields to gather herbs which are from wild vines – representing false doctrines – which bring death!
False doctrine brings death in the church. Any doctrine not built exclusively on the cross of Christ (I Peter 1: 18 – 20) must not be tolerated. Only the undiluted word of God can cure the Death which is in the pot! False doctrine poisons and it poisons many when it is brought in and shared with the congregation.

Leaders should not take their eyes off II Timothy 4: 1 – 5.
These are the following things that leaders should look out for: Always use I Timothy 4 as a guide when preaching and teaching and when others are preaching and teaching.
When others are preaching and teaching – whether they are from within the Church or from the outside, always scrutinize the message and the doctrine. There is great Apostasy taking place! No minister should ever preach what they think is their view. It must always be the BIBLE VIEW!
Remember, False Doctrine defiles and destroys the flock. All doctrine must be established on Jesus and the Cross. He is the Center and the Owner of the Church! Nothing must take precedence over the fact that JESUS DIED FOR US TO RECEIVE SALVATION!
In I Timothy 4, the Holy Spirit speaks openly and prophetically that, in the latter times, many will depart from the faith and they will apostatize! They will deny the essential doctrine of Christianity.

The False Teacher is on the loose! False Teachers are teaching doctrines inspired by Satan and this will lead many astray including careless leaders who are not studying. (John 8: 44; Acts 2: 17; Hebrews 1: 2; I John 4: 1 – 6)
False Teachers are now on the rise! They are on the internet, social network, media and they are very influential. Each time they release their venom, it spreads within the flock and contaminates the church. False Teachers will present ‘Divine’ inspiration in abandoning God’s word, they become de-sensitized to spiritual truth.
False Teachers attack Five-Fold Ministries that establish order in the congregation. They call order manipulation and witchcraft!
False Teachers encourage and often support Dating and Fornication, Oral & Anal Sex and Masturbation.
Leaders from time to time need to do spot checks on the membership to see what doctrines are surfacing that they as leaders may not be aware of. Leaders also need to check what kind of study bibles are being used. Many are also reading books that are New Age based but they think it is spiritual!

A person who falls away from the true faith, falls prey to all kinds of traps that are alleged to make one more spiritual – such as False Ascentism.
Always keep your eyes on I Timothy 4 especially verses 4 – 5. Let no one deceive you about food, marriage or sex. Many distracting conversations are emerging on issues such as women in ministry, day of worship, marriage and divorce, submission and prosperity.
All leaders much begin to expound on and apply the scriptures and also exercise the gifts that God has given them. Remember, the personal life of a minister must be as pure as their doctrine. A false prophet is not one who necessarily give a word that does not come to pass; but Matthew 7 and Galatians 5 tell us that we must judge them by their lifestyle/their fruit. Are they touching God’s glory? Are they brining people unto themselves more than Christ? Are they in open sin – sexually; are they greedy; do they have wrong motives? Do they believe in the Virgin birth of Jesus and His death and resurrection.
All teachings must be judged by their agreement with the Word of God. (I Timothy 1: 3). Also, watch out for the spirit of error and greed. (I Timothy 6: 3 – 6; I Timothy 4: 6)
A good teacher is constantly nourishing themselves with the Word. Once a minister’s focus shifts from souls, then that person will begin to walk in error.

Please read the following Scriptures:
Matthew 22: 29
Galatians 1: 6 – 9
II Timothy 4: 2 – 4
II Timothy 3: 16
II Peter 1: 21

Always remember that whatever man terms as inspiration must be consistent with the Bible. Not every inspiration is Biblical. There is a difference with inspiration and illumination! Illumination refers to the influence of the Holy Spirit which helps all Christians to grasp the things of God. We must seek to have Illumination. (I Corinthians 2: 4; Matthew 16: 17)
Apostle Steve Lyston