

Water refers prophetically to the Holy Spirit. Water does many things. It cleanses, washes, and purifies. When a wind blows, it always affects the sea and the tide can begin to rise and create floods, tsunami, tidal waves and soil erosion – removing weakened foundations. Interestingly, the water can cause accretion – the shifting of the soil from one place to the next. So the water can allow the blessings of one weakened area to shift and strengthen another.

Sea speaks of the world – global domain. But it also speaks of souls! There is a flood that is coming spiritually and physically, but in times of flood, God is calling His people to higher ground! The flood will bring a changing of the guard globally. Secular leaders will come upon situations which they cannot deal with naturally unless they seek divine intervention.

A cleansing is taking place within the earth and the atmosphere which is polluted with sin. The earth is defiled with uncleanness, especially from social media. There is a cry in the earth for justice, with particular regard to the treatment of the poor.

Political and financial leaders refuse to repent for the things they have done and for the processes they have put in place. Many lives have been lost and the resources have been wasted. In the same way the God has a set time to bless, He also has a set time to judge and to pour out.

Now more than ever, God wants to pour out of His Spirit upon businesses, nations, communities, Hollywood, the Church, the military and the marketplace!

When and where there is the threat of evil upon the nation God always prepares an ark for His people to move ahead. The ark represents the presence of God for protection and provision. The ark always rises and sails during the time of flood and transports His people safely from one port to the next – just as in the days of Noah.

Within the Ark, there is always a window (Genesis 6: 16). The window generally denotes opportunity, blessing, opening as well as insight. It also speaks of prophetic light, prophetic revelation knowledge and it also speaks of direction. It also allows you to see the outside clearly and is used for ventilation.

There is also a door in the Ark and a door always deals with access, grace, opening and represents the fact that Jesus Christ is the way.

Take note that there were 8 people in the original Ark, and the number 8 represents new beginnings, new life! IT also speaks of birthing. From the 8th to the 11th month, is going to be critical within the Kingdom. According to Genesis 6: 16, the Ark had 3 decks. The number 3 symbolizes being conformed to His image, restoration and the Trinity. It also means divine approval.

In the same way that the Lord directed the animals in the Ark 2 by 2, God is about to direct some specific people into the Ark. That is, there are some specific people God is going to direct to your ministry and/or into your life 2 by 2 and we are about to see the power and manifestation of God’s word within the market place. Those that God has separated for the Ark will come forth with great solutions during and after the flood.

There will be great rewards that those who have given and continue to give to God’s work will receive. We will see biblical and kingdom economics at work. In the same way that the first creation of the plant life did not come through a physical seed being planted in the ground, but the economy was created by the Word of God!

When one tries to stop the Word of God, they are in fact destroying the economy, this flood that is coming will bring promotion to and lift up God’s people. However, on the negative side, it will affect different categories especially those in high places.

Apostle Steve Lyston