
When you are on a mission, not everyone will go all the way. Many will drop out. Not everyone wants to sweat or gain pain – some just want to partake in the blessing!
1. It is better to go through hardship with the right people than enjoy blessings with the wrong people.

2. Never look for man’s approval, look for God’s approval

3. Oftentimes persons that man looks up to and esteem highly, God does not esteem highly; and the people that man despises and rejects, God desires to bless and promote.

4. If everyone speaks good about you, then something is wrong with your life.

5. Never judge something by the outward, but discern the heart. Remember, man looks at the outward appearance, but God searches the heart.

6. Whatever or whomever you trust in before God will bring shame curse and defeat. Blessing and prosperity will come when you trust God FIRST. (Psalm 118: 8; Micah 7: 5; Jeremiah 17: 5 – 9)

7. Always keep away from people who carry an angry countenance, a backbiting tongue, and those who gossip and slander. Gossip and slander will defile you and stop your blessing. They will do the same to you. (Proverbs 25: 23)

8. Never have confidence in unfaithful people. (Proverbs 25: 19)

9. Always avoid people who tear down their leaders (Spiritual or Secular) with their tongue.

10. Be careful of people who say one thing before your face and another behind your back!
God is calling each and everyone in this season to pray as never before. Reach out to someone and give a positive word daily. We are seeing selfishness, greed and power destroy the very fabric of the earth; but you can make a difference and be the change. Be true to yourself. Remember, there is a Creator.

Apostle Steve Lyston

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