With the upcoming US Election, all eyes are again focused on the United States of America. Regardless of who the victor will be, there are still dark days ahead financially before things get better. Every country benefits from America one way or the other – even their enemies. But they now have to focus on the things that have allowed them to be great in the first place.

Helping humanity and feeding the poor is something the United States of America has been good at doing. They always put themselves in the position to assist weaker nations and people. (Psalms 41; Matthew 25)

The United States of America is the only nation that has placed on their currency the statement, ‘In God We Trust’. Hence they have to rebuild their economy according to the principles of the God in Whom their forefathers trusted. (Psalms 127: 1)

While there will still be political instability, God allow different people in different sectors to come forward with the spirit of Daniel. America should now bring the focus to small businesses in order to begin rebuilding their economy. Their greatest resources are in the ground and they should focus on the ground – food, water and energy.

Immigration Reform

This will bring a great blessing to America – AMNESTY! Biblical Principles support it. When America calls for an Immigration Amnesty then their Tax Revenue will increase, sales of Real Estate will increase; healing of families will take place; schools will benefit; crime will immediately reduce. They also need to encourage foreigners to invest particularly in Real Estate, by reducing the Property Tax. When Property Tax to foreigners is reduced, that will revamp the failing Real Estate sector.

In addition to that, when there is an Amnesty, therein also lies the potential for America’s military force to increase.

Family Values

The USA must increase their giving to Faith-based and other NGO’s in an effort to rebuild communities – particularly in the area of Youth Development; they are the future. There needs to be proper mentorship of the Youth.

A greater focus must be placed on effectively helping NGO’s and Faith-based organizations that help those with disabilities as well.

All-Round Re-Focus

The state of a nation’s social, moral and economic well-being is directly influenced the state of the churches within the nation. (Haggai 1 & 2) The Church in America needs to get back to basics and focus on rebuilding.

America should never take its eyes away from Biblical Prophecies. Thus, they need to equip and build their military now more than ever, have the best communications and weapons to deal with future challenges and threats. (II Chronicles 26: 14 – 15)

The nation also needs to do more and better for their veterans. They have to remember that the enemy within can be greater than the enemy outside. The veterans still have a great deal to contribute to nation-building.

America needs to rebuild their Space Program. Never rely on another country – Biblical Prophecies cannot lie.

America needs to continue with Free Health and Free Education for those who cannot afford it, and put systems in place for foreign students to have an easier opportunity to stay and build what they have learnt.

America must embrace and invest in the ‘small’ man – those who are considered the rejects of the society. The shelters have become treasury of wealth. Many who have solutions they are seeking are there.

Let there be an easier process with regard to Visa restrictions concerning African countries and smaller nations. This would be balanced with the adherence of such individuals to vaccination processes and health guidelines and requirements.

The USA needs to cut out the zoning and tax restrictions throughout the nation that are killing businesses and making it more difficult and complicated for smaller businesses to exist and flourish.

There needs to be a group that will stand up to the banks and influence them to cease plundering businesses, homeowners and the poor. The banks are some of the greatest obstacles to economic change and growth. It is a stronghold in the nation. Law makers need to stand up to the banks.