

On a global level, many today are confused about some of the events they see happening and how it affects the Church, the believers and the non-believers alike. We even have media personnel and columnists ridiculing the Church, when they have no clue about Spiritual things! The fact of the matter is, the Church has to look carefully on two (2) structures – Administrative Leadership and Spiritual Leadership.
Administrative Leadership refers to those appointed by God through the approval of men.
Spiritual Leadership refers to the Five-fold Ministry called and appointed by God Himself.

The fact is that we are now reaping the fruit of Hosea 4: 6. We are experiencing the result of this Scripture! Based on Ephesians 4: 11 – 13 and the activities of the Church today, the saints were not being edified. Hence, they are not fully armed with the knowledge of their authority as Christians. Today, every wind of doctrine is now blowing many away. Some do not even know the holy from the unholy!

The Bible is not difficult to read, but one has to understand it through the Holy Spirit! Regardless of any revival being prophesied today, it will only happen when we restore the Teachers within the Five-fold Ministry as well as the true Apostles, not someone who is appointed by man as an Apostle. What was being birthed within the Church are illegitimate spiritual bastards – people attempting to walk in an office to which they were not truly called. Even those born with the calling of a Prophet, have created a big mess, because they were not taught the basic principles of Christianity, and in some cases refused to be taught these principles and as a result they were without spiritual fathers and without accountability.

Prophets might speak of the future, but the Teacher speaks of the hidden things within the Word – the mysteries – that help to unlock what is within the student. The Teacher within the Five-Fold Ministry bring balance, clarity and understanding of the Scriptures.

In I Samuel 15, God established Saul as a leader. He clearly laid out His precepts and His principles of how one should conduct their function. Do you realize that every leader globally, when given the mandate to lead, they swear on the Bible?
God instructed Saul to destroy the Amalekites. They were cruel enemies of the people of God! They were the first to attack the people of God in the desert in Exodus 17. God gave the Amalekites over 500 years to repent, but they refused to do so. Saul disobeyed God and spared the enemy. He may have done it for political reasons. He may have been more concerned about how he was viewed in the eyes of the people. But it is not the views of the people that ought to concern you, but God’s view of you!
As leaders or individuals, never make decisions that would allow you to become unpopular in God’s eyes and make you popular with the people. Anything one trusts more than Christ, will be eliminated from one’s life! It could be money, sex, friends, witchcraft, addictions – anything that becomes the object of your faith other than Christ will destroy you!

Saul spared the Amalekite king when he should have destroyed him. He compromised and disobeyed God and it destroyed him. There are many things in our lives that we should and need to destroy and have not! There are many who say they are Christians and are walking in rebellion against God’s will for them and say that God is with them. They have succeeded in deceiving themselves.
There are many also who are like Saul, walking in rebellion against God’s Word, yet their claim is that they are okay because God is a God of love! Some even say, that whatever promises or prophetic Word God says about them is going to come to pass regardless of their disobedience.
If we read the Scriptures carefully, we will realize that God has uttered that He has changed His mind. God says He even regretted making Saul king. I Samuel 15: 11 states “I greatly regret that I have set up Saul as king, for he has turned back from following Me, and has not performed My commandments.” And it grieved Samuel, and he cried out to the Lord all night.”

The moment you cease following or obeying God and His Word, God will change His mind concerning the purpose and plans He has for you, as He did with Saul. That is why we have to repent daily and turn from our wicked paths. If Saul was obedient to God, His kingdom would have been established. (I Samuel 13: 13 – 14) Saul did not lose the throne because of the power of the Philistines, he lost his throne because of his disobedience to God.

Any leader, individual or nation that believes they can disobey God and continue successfully needs to read the Bible again and see the end of Saul!