


Loyalty is key in any organization! God is going to deal with the Judases in this season – whether it is operating in your house, your family, your Church, organization or nation!

The character of Judas is disloyal, greedy (not just for money, but also for attention and praise), selfish, and easily offended; and when offended runs to your enemy. Your enemy is Judas’ friend! Judas was a thief – he took the information within the team and sold it to the enemy, giving them access to the intimate details of the team while profiting from it financially! He reveals the confidential plans or information of your household, family, church, organization or nation when you are no longer ‘serving’ his purpose!

Judas’ heart is full of PRIDE and does not like to be corrected! When corrected by you, Judas pledges allegiance to external connections rather than yielding and repenting; this character will not think twice about hurting you. The character of Judas is holiest on Saturdays or Sundays but is fueled by evil for the rest of the week!

Judas sat under the greatest teacher, saw the ministry and miracles that took place, was directly involved in the operation of the group/organization and still his heart remained hard and uncircumcised. The character of Judas, even as he betrays, pretends to look like everyone else, pretends to be in obedience while engaging in silent rebellion. Judas may be sleeping with your husband or wife while still claiming to be your best friend!

Remember, no one can serve two masters or he will love one and hate the other! Judas was maintaining access in more than one place. No one can have access with God and Satan at the same time and still maintain the favor of God. Judas was following Jesus but his heart was not submitted to him. When one’s heart is not right, one becomes a candidate for Satan. The enemy will enter that person’s heart and have full access and control of that individual!

God is about to expose the Judases in your life, home, relationships, church and nation in this season for you to ADVANCE!