

Ezekiel 22: 30 says, “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.”

Many lives are lost on a daily basis, and GOD is looking for those He can raise up to stand in the gap for nations, communities, churches and children! When we see Pokémon and other games take over the lives of many as they walk around like ‘zombies’ glued to their phones/tablets, there are walls that need to be rebuilt to save the society – and we are not speaking about building a physical wall to keep out illegal immigrants.

Many, especially Christians, are caught up with their personal matters and problems – recognize that life cannot be centered around us or our church or our little circle! Christianity is about the daily sacrifices we make – meaning we must yield ourselves totally to God’s will and desire – not our will/ways! I realize that selfishness is one of the most wicked sins now destroying nations. If each person on the globe – particularly Christians, would begin cutting down on some of their social time and instead reach out beyond their circle to someone else, then we would see a global change!

We can’t even blame the government, we have to first look at ourselves and our shortcomings. Family is the first line of government, and if every family was to play its role in the society, then things would not be as broken down as they are today!
Prophetically speaking, God is about to allow many to experience what it is like when the shoe is on the other foot! Oftentimes, only when people go through the kind of adversity those they criticize go through will they truly understand and appreciate certain things! Job said “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You.” (Job 42: 5) Many people have heard of God, but do they know Him? Is your life impacting anyone positively to the point of bringing change, or are you caught up with yourself and your circle?

