We have seen many things happening throughout nations. Nations are
shaking, and many in positions of influence are attempting to fix the
problem without getting to the root of the situation. This creates more
deception and oppression. The number one element creating much of the
global problems being faced is Mammon.

Jesus teaches that mammon demands a person’s heart and service and
that those who persist in pursuing mammon cannot do any service to God,
because mammon itself is a god, and many are losing sight of their true
purpose because of it.
Mammon causes people to be deceived by having them gain prosperity
through deception, dishonesty murder (including death to the masses),
selfishness and fame/popularity. Their decisions are driven by selfishness
and greed.

The Church
Mammon has been manifesting in the Church as many have shifted their
focus from laying up treasures in heaven to gathering and storing treasures
on earth. So, they are no longer fulfilling the command of Jesus; their
focus is on financial profit-making. (Matthew 6: 24, Luke 16, 9 – 13, Luke
12: 16)

Mad Scientists
The CoVid-19 pandemic has shown us that the world’s scientists have
gone mad. When scientists refuse to abide by Spiritual laws, then they
create more problems. We are seeing their limitations on the public
platform and most only give advice that would cause further deaths.
Scientists are making decisions that will undoubtedly destroy the future for
our children, as well as our environment and our seniors. This will cause
further catastrophe and open the door for more of the biblical plagues we

are already seeing today. Take a moment to compare what is written in the
Book of Exodus, to our circumstances today. It was a rebuke by God to the
Pharaohs of the day as a result of their actions. Unless there is an
immediate cessation of their activities – including interference with the
climate and environment, we are about to see the following take place that
will create more pandemics and lockdowns, recession and other economic
Skin Disease of every kind as well as:
Running Sores
Inflammation with burning Fever
Environmental Disasters
Scorching and Mildew
And some of these will be accompanied by
Deuteronomy 28: 27 and Exodus 9: 8 – 12 lets us know about the release
of these things as it was with the sixth plague of Egypt – many of which
was without cure.
It is critical also, for global governments, businesspeople, scientists and the
Church, to understand that when man violates God’s original blueprint for
mankind and the earth for the sake of profit, we are paving the way for
future catastrophic events and more lockdowns.

God created six seasons, which are mentioned in Genesis 8: 22, and when
scientists interfere with these seasons, it will create sever challenges for us
all going forward. Trying to create vaccines or artificial intelligence for the
masses to employ is not the solution. We are already contaminating our
oceans and corrupting our water supply and destroying marine life
ultimately affecting human life negatively.
When man tries to change God’s seasons to suit himself, then we open
ourselves up to diseases and other problems. As a result we will have
Dust Storms
Optical and Respiratory Issues (Sinusitis, Asthma etc.)
They will come with the vaccines for these things solely on the basis of
making money (not your health) and we must look beyond money-making
to preserve the health of all.

2030 Goals
With the promotion of the Global 2030 Agenda in achieving the Sustainable
Development Goals, it is critical that every stakeholder take responsibility to
create a better environment and achieve each goal outlined. We have
already been delayed because of the pandemic, and it is critical that each
person evaluates himself in terms of his actions in creating a better world.
There needs to be an independent organization to police the actions of
different member states/countries and scientists in their efforts toward a
better world.

We must all come to the understanding that when we interfere with the flow
and function of the original creation, then we open the door to desolation,
and create greater negative impact on the poor and vulnerable; making the
way for starvation and utter despair.