Just about 15 years ago, the Lord spoke to me about something that I am
now seeing unfold. He showed me then that there were so many women
who were married to unsaved men, and how challenging it was for them to
serve in the House of the Lord while that was so. He showed me how they
would continually ask for prayers for their unsaved husbands to come to
the Lord. However, He also showed me that while they prayed for this, the
Godly attitudes some of them displayed publicly, were not always the same
at home, and that hindered their husbands from coming to Him. He said
that there would come a time when He would re-align his sons, bringing
them back toward Him. But then He asked me, “How are the women going
to respond when I begin to put the men back at the head of the household
and in their priestly duties, and the women have to step out of that role and
line up according to My strategy for the family? How will they respond?” It’s
all about attitude.

The Lesson From Vashti
Vashti was the queen who was first married to King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) in
Esther 1. She was queen by way of her marriage to him. Her husband,
king Ahasuerus, ruled the Persian Empire, which included over 127
provinces from India to Ethiopia, which means his rule spanned at least 3
continents – Europe, Africa and Asia. So, his influence and reign ran from
Greece in Southern Europe into Libya, Ethiopia, Egypt, the Middle East and
into India on the Asian continent. The goal in sharing this is not so much a
history lesson, as much as it is laying the foundation for some things the
Lord wants us to understand as His royal daughters.
That being said, recognize that King Ahasuerus was a man of great wealth,
and influence who carried on his shoulders a great deal responsibility ruling
an empire of over 127 provinces and so not only was excellence required in
his own citadel, but he had to display the strength of his kingdom at all
times – economically, personally, politically/governmentally – because the
heads of all the provinces under his rule took their cues and instructions
from him. He was constantly under scrutiny, not only by those in his
service, but also by his enemies, and one sign of weakness –
economically, politically/governmentally, or personally – could indicate

vulnerability and open the door for attacks to him and the kingdom and the
entire Empire.
This is why the queen is so important to the Kingdom. As part of the king’s
support system, she could influence the women who in turn had the
capacity to influence their husbands who were also in positions of
influence. Vashti, as queen and wife of the king over kings, influenced
women under her immediate charge (in the palace), as well as those in her
country, and in all 127 provinces the king ruled. So, she had the potential
to topple the entire kingdom by her actions, especially toward him in public.
Vashti’s experience teaches us all that we can be in a privileged position
and lose it all because of our poor attitudes, pride and unwillingness to
yield to the instructions or requests of the King.

Replaced By Esther
When the King was advised to shift Vashti out and find someone new to
replace her, it was more than just about Vashti being defiant to the
requests/commands of her husband the king. It was for the protection of
the Empire/the Kingdom. This was more than just about her on the
personal level, because not only was she setting the wrong example for
women in her own circle, but she did so for all the women in all 127
provinces. She put everyone in jeopardy by her actions.
Women have been toppling governments and empires from the beginning
of time, changing the course of nations because of the decisions they
make. (Genesis 3). But women are also builders with an incredible eye for
detail and we must use that for God’s Glory.
God has given us the capacity to teach our sons to be kings and exercise
Godly-wisdom in their decision-making, speak for the voiceless and
oppressed – the poor, the fatherless and the widow and to defend justice
for the vulnerable. (Proverbs 31: 1 – 9). He has given us have the
capacity to teach our daughters to be queens – the ones his kings can trust
to maintain the integrity, honor and wealth within the kingdom, engage in
trade, see to the needs of those in the kingdom and that includes the home.

We must position ourselves spiritually to hear from our Father and King and
follow His instructions and obey His requests.

Your household is your mini-kingdom, protect it, and let it be your training
ground also for how you treat the Kingdom of God and everything in it.
Know that God’s structure and original blueprint for the family is the best
strategy for us to defeat the devil and gain entry to eternal life. So, know
and embrace the plan, and fight for its fulfilment. In other words, study the
Word of God and apply it to daily life. When we walk/function according to
God’s plan it works for our good and our victory is assured on all fronts.