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Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic there have been, and continue to be, severe financial challenges.  Many have lost their jobs resulting in high levels of unemployment and the disappearance of their salaries.  Meanwhile, the prices of food and other basic necessities continue to increase.  Overall, the cost of living is rising.

We are currently in a time where the financial situation is leading many to suicide, depression, and others into committing criminal activities in order to keep their heads above water.  However, it is critical for each one to realize that his/her financial well-being is their responsibility, hence, in order to survive, we must ensure that there is order in our finances.  Furthermore, Biblical Principles MUST be applied.

Therefore, we must:

Learn about the Biblical principles regarding finance.

Pray the Disciple’s Prayer (Matthew 6: 9 – 13)

Tithe, give Offerings and practice the principles of Seedtime and harvest

Do not follow those who reject the principle of Tithing.

Learn the difference between needs and wants.  Do not spend only for the sake of spending.

Live within your means and ask God to supply your needs.  Many focus on their wants rather than their needs.  When going to the supermarket, focus on getting only what is needed. 

Be creative.  Make your own drinks with lemons, limes, sugar and water.   Bake your own cakes and deserts.

Buy in bulk.

Make your own soap and your own bread.

Negotiate everything and check the price you currently pay for services.  (Vehicles etc.)  Shop for cheaper prices than you currently pay.

You may need to avoid fast food restaurants and take your own lunch work.

Look out for new streams of income.  Many of us have talents and gifts that can bring additional income.  You can be a consultant.  You can also be a researcher for others and write business plans for other people.

You can also use your gifts and talents to help small businesses, many of them may already need your services.

Avoid taking out any new debt in this season.

Eliminate gambling, avoid casinos, alcohol and smoking.

Purchase the deep freeze and store your meats and fish – constantly rotating to keep your stock fresh and up to date.   It will help you to be prepared in times of inflation and shortage.

Invest in fishing equipment – nets and lines.  We may need to start doing our own fishing.

Avoid “brand name” items and use the generic or cheaper brands.  That includes the cellphones.  We just need those instruments that will allow us to talk to each other.

Talk to the creditors to find a way to reduce your bills and if they refuse you may just have to return some things voluntarily or sell some things.  For example, if you have two vehicles in the household, you may have to turn one in.  It will also be cheaper as you will purchase less gas, and pay less maintenance.

Avoid loan sharks in this season.   Remember, always focus on your needs not your wants.

Negotiate with your landlords.  There are many landlords increasing rent while the people are losing their jobs.  If your landlord refuses to reduce the rent, then it is time to look for a more affordable place.  Sadly, greed is destroying the society and is the root cause of the pandemic itself.  It is about to trigger a global recession

Making vows in hard times help, regardless of the crisis that exists.  Making vows to God always brings prosperity.  It is critical for you also to ensure that you pay your vows.  Many have made vows to God and have benefitted, but have not paid their vows and are again on the path back to square one. 

We must also carry out an inventory checks to see what we can do without going forward.

There are serious financial crises ahead, but if we utilize the wisdom of God, then we will be able to navigate any financial storm.

We must remember that wise choices will bring positive rewards.