Everything today is market-driven. Decisions are made based on the needs of the market.

Abortion and immorality are now in great demand. Abortion negatively affects business. If population decreases so will demand for goods and services, including real estate, loans, clothing, food, medical services and vehicles; thus population and demand are positively related.

Abortion is affecting the population growth. We are now seeing it negatively affect real estate and other businesses. When the family decreases, it affects the demand for certain kinds of properties.

Furthermore, it can significantly change the landscape of the construction industry.

Almost every organization uses market trends to make business decisions and most business persons are now jumping on the bandwagon because, to them, there is a great change towards people who want to engage in abortions, witchcraft and immorality.

Media and government are also heavily involved in the change in market trends and their decisions are based on current trends. As a result, they are also going with the flow of the tide. So, there is no longer accountability or new ideas, and, as such, the word for the moment is ‘let’s give the people what they want.’

Threats to humanity

On that basis, politicians are no longer being held accountable. What is going to happen when the current trend changes; because one of life’s constants is change?

Abortion and immorality are threats to humanity. While many companies within the various industries will benefit from this trend – pharmaceutical industry, medical industries, the gaming industries, politicians, activists and the entertainment industry.

Abortion eliminates the true visionaries, and creates a global vacuum. Geniuses and those with solutions for the problems, and it is a threat to Christianity.

Here’s a thought. If other religions don’t accept abortion, but Christians and the Christian nations do, what will that do to Christianity and the Christian population; or is that the plan?

In addition to this, studies have shown that most of the abortions are done by black people. Many of the places that conduct abortions are within or close to black communities. Do the checks.

Could this be an effort to significantly diminish the black race? Why is abortion being pushed as an alternative for family planning, for developing nations? It is interesting that many of our top athletes and game changers come from developing nations.

What is to become of the global society if abortion becomes the order of the day?

Our universities have now become the testing labs and ‘porn shops’ for those testing ‘market theories’ and needing guinea pigs for their experiments. The universities that ought to be churning out the leaders of tomorrow have become the launch pad for immorality, lewd behavior and less-than-desirable attitudes.

God’s property

Many have come forward to declare that the people should make their own decisions about their own bodies. But this is somewhat a deception. First and foremost is the fact that our bodies are God’s property. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and, as such, should be respected and treated the way He sees fit.

Additionally, Psalm 127:3-4 says children are a heritage from the Lord. So, regardless of the way in which they have come about, some children may be unplanned, but they are not unwanted. They are the next prime minister, then next beauty queen, the next track legend.

The Bible describes anything that has blood as having life. By day 22 of pregnancy, a fetus’ heart begins to beat with its own blood. So, by the time most women realize they are pregnant the heart of their fetus is beating and it means they have life.

Research shows approximately 10 per cent of all legal abortions end with one or more of the following complications – accidental tearing, tearing of the cervix, perforation of the uterus, heavy bleeding, miscarriage of future pregnancies, increased risk of subsequent tubal pregnancies, damage of internal organs, hepatitis, blood clots, sterility and death. This does not include the psychological effects that abortion can have an those involved.

Let’s save the next generation!