The Word Of The Lord…

APRIL 3, 2021

Through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio

There are serious things will be happening on the face of the earth.  Serious things are about to happen.

Every child of God must be ready in this season

Many were serving God but fell.

We must take the lead – carry the mandate that God has given us. 

A disaster is going to hit this world that is going to shake everyone in the world. 

We ought to be standing before God ready to go.  This is a season of readiness.

Children will be walking out of their parents’ homes and the parents will not know where to find them.

Leaders of nations will be in serious trouble.  Some will be losing it!

Saints be ready!  Preach God’s word and live the life (holiness).   We are in a blessed time because we are seeing the fulfillment of Scripture before your eyes.

Get rid of secret idols – cleanse your house and stay in the presence of Almighty God.  Keep your house (heart and being) clean and pure.

Many Christians are wasting their time – be careful. 

Pray for Kurt Carr, Vicki Yohe, that a revival will come to each of their souls and that healing will take place.

Pray for the Indian Prime Minister – for his health, security and the protection of His Family.

War will break out in the USA, China and Jamaica.  God wants His people to be ready.  Many politicians in Jamaica will get the COVID-19 virus unless they repent and turn from the direction they are going.  The Lord says  “Too many lies and deception!”

The Real Estate industry in the USA will go through another storm and shaking, but, in the midst of that God’s people who are faithful will be land possessors again.

Pray for Saudi Arabia, especially the crowned prince.  A sensitive document will be revealed and get into the wrong hands, which will create problems.

God will visit the Jamaican Prime Minister in his sleep to show him the danger ahead.  The choices and the decisions they are making will cause the people to suffer greatly.  Also, 2 prominent politicians will experience health issues.

Many movie directors will be going into politics – in the USA, Africa and South East Asia. 

The people in China are going to rise up and there are going to be demonstrations and problems.

Pray for the following:




Jimmy Cliff

Bounty Killer

Beenie Man


Faye Ellington

Cliff Hughes

Usain Bolt

Pray for God’s intervention in their lives.

There is going to be a spiritual revival in the marketplace with Christians, and they will no longer be afraid to praise God on the Job.  The Holy Ghost fire is going to burn and they will be able to shout “Hallelujah” again without fear.

The Barbadian Prime Minister will make an announcement which will shock many, which will work in the interest of China.  We need to pray for Barbados as they are in serious trouble.

As the flag of the Holy Spirit rises, God is shaking nations.  An earthquake will shake and the Temple Mount will be shaken.

Pray for the Caribbean as a time of disaster is ahead.  The Lord revealed, inundation and dislocation concerning Caribbean islands.

Famine, flood, earthquake and typhoon-like disasters ahead.

The Lords says there will be great shaking taking place at airports globally – both spiritually and naturally!

Shaking in governments globally – both spiritually and naturally.  Many Jews will take the streets with their shofar and tallit as a revival will begin to break out among them.

Pray for the Royal Family as more problems will arise and more people will be sick with the COVID-19 virus.

Hospitals will be calling the Church to come in to pray because of the breaking out of diseases and plagues about to take place.

The Lord says those who were studying in the University will not be able to use what they studied in daily life application, as the level of disasters that will be taking place will force them to change their field of study.  Many buildings will be closing.  The Lord says most of them will be forced to work from the streets.

A lot of demonstrations will take place before the UN buildings in Geneva and New York.

There are going to be many demonstrations on the streets all over the world.

They will try to revive the Cruise Ship industry by targeting those who have already taken the vaccine.  However, it will backfire.

Pray for owners of the Chinese restaurants as many more of them are going to close.

There is going to be a new surge of the coronavirus among those who have already taken the vaccine.  Many will regret taking it.  There will also be much in-fighting, sabotage and conspiracy among politicians globally.  Some will be poisoned. 

Many stadiums will close down and planned events cancelled because of the spike in COVID-19 cases.  The US will impose more travel bans on countries because a disease will breakout.  This will stop many Americans from returning home.  Many of the disease are not being spread among the regular citizens.  It is being spread within private clubs, hotels, private aircraft, transportation and supermarkets.

Pray for the police personnel in Jamaica as the Lord has revealed that many of them are not living right morally, which is impacting families and crime.

Pray against a tsunami hitting Malawi.

We need to be in the Secret Place, the Upper Room of the Most High God.


“Come and get it!” 

In what ways are we thirsty?

How can knowing Him Who is Faithful at all levels help us today?

You have me always but are your souls still thirsty for me now and every day?  I am exhaustless spring to run to.  My water is free! There is no monthly payment; and other streams are dry and costly.

The Latter Rain is in the upper room, and it promises to water us with His Word.  The Latter Rain represents the end time for which He has been preparing us.

We need to present ourselves to Him in a special place, because we have the Promise of Him not leaving us nor forsaking us; and we shall have His perfect peace. 

Scripture:  Isaiah 55: 1 – 6

Some think HE has gone silent on them, but He has not; He has been watching to see how much you wanted Him.  He was testing our hearts to see if we would remain in right standing with Him or thirst for the things that are temporal. 

There is a ring operating in Jamaica’s 14 Parishes that have been recruiting and using boys, promising them a lot of money and it has been contributing to the crim and violence in the nation and the Lord says it must stop now!  The young people are being destroyed for money.

The Spirit of the Lord says that there is a country that is subtly using Jamaica to establish covenants with an African nation.  This will backfire and cause serious problems for the nation.  The nation’s leaders and decision-makers need to seek the Lord before they get into agreements.

The Lord wants the world to prepare for the next plague that will breakout in the form of a skin disease.  We need to watch out for the Japanese hornets.  They will fly in great groups.