As we come to the close of the year 2021, it is critical for us to use the lessons we have learned throughout the year to help guide us for 2022.  God always carries us through things to better prepare us for future blessings even when we make mistakes.  So, the first lesson we have learned is to learn from mistakes we have made.

Know Where You Stand

The next lesson is one I have personally learned and that is that faith and trust in God are the two (2) most important keys to success and survival.  So, regardless of the sixty-six (66) books in the Bible, faith and trust in God are what will help any Christian to stand.  I have observed that many Christians have made some terrible choices that will come back and harm them.  When asked why they made those decisions, many said “… because otherwise I would lose my job!”  The question is, what will they do when the Anti-Christ begins to bring in more drastic measures for Christians to abandon their faith?  The Lord has revealed to us that come midnight as we cross over into 2022, many will abandon their faith in Christ for money and fame.

Several years ago, the Lord asked me the question, “What would happen if I were to strip the well-known men and women of God of their wealth, would they still serve Me or remain loyal to Me?”  It is most disappointing to see that many popular and famous ones are now speaking a different message as their “treasures” are touched.  This has scattered many causing them to be wandering sheep with broken hearts.  Many will preach about faith and trust, but they are now trusting scientists rather than trusting God.  Some trust military might for protection rather than God.  However, God is bringing us all back to proper foundation.  It has already begun.  Thousands of Christians have already lost their jobs and the battle of the “vaxed vs. the un-vaxed” is increasing.  Some Christians have been serving their jobs faithfully for 10 – 15 years or more and were dropped like a hot potato.  This should be a lesson learned by Christians that they should come out from among them and own their own businesses.  Both the world and its political structure have allowed us to see that loyalty, faithfulness and compassion have very little value in their system.  Any system without choice is the Anti-Christ system.  Here is the question, will they need those Christians to vote? Does it mean that if you are “un-vaxed” then they will not need your vote?

Hold The Key of Humility

The next lesson we must learn is that Humility is one of the biggest keys to success. You can be on top today and lose everything tomorrow.  When man tries to be independent of God, then we are embarking on serious problems.  If global leaders were looking to God to solve the problem of the pandemic, we would have been out of it already.  (Matthew 6: 33; 2 Chronicles 7: 14).  Many of them are declaring more death on the society, and others feel they are more qualified than God.  The world needs to go back to the drawing board and study the Omnipotence, Omnipresence and the Omniscience of God.  Only God’s plan will stand, not man’s plan.  Where man continually perpetrates evil, there is a set time, to judge each one.  However, forgiveness is the key for release.  2022 is going to be the year of release of bondage and debt; and each man has the opportunity to capitalize on this for a better future.  Regardless of what people say today, the Blood of Jesus has never lost and will never lose its power and Jesus is the only way for us to return to “normal life”. 

Normal Life

There are those who want the pandemic to finish quickly but for the wrong reason.  Some don’t want it to finish because their millions would cease coming in.  In the midst of it all, God is still extending His mercy!  What a good God? We must not cease to pray, because prayer changes everything.  We must also remember the story of King David, when he sinned by taking the census.  He no longer trusted in God, but instead was looking to the number of people he had to fight. As soon as the pandemic broke out, he recognized that he needed to erect an altar to the Lord and engage in a time of atonement.  As a result of David’s move, God showed mercy and stopped the plague.  Can we find some leaders like David today, who are not afraid to bow before God – knowing the fact that it is God’s grace, favor and mercy that has allowed us to succeed whether in the secular or in ministry. 

Here is a question.  What if God said, if they don’t serve Him, they will no longer have a job or life?  Think about it.

The time has come for every man to reflect and get deeper in the things of God that will keep us for 2022.