We have entered into 2022, and based on the path that
we are on, unless there is global repentance and Divine
Intervention, we are going to walk the path of great
famine. There are many instances of famine mentioned in
history. The famine of 1769, The Bengal Famine, The
Irish Famine of 1845, The Famine of China in 1878 were
some which cause a great death toll. With the pandemic
and bad decisions made by the global leaders, the globe
is being pushed on a path of famine.
Amos 8: 11 – 12 says, ““Behold, the days are coming,”
says the Lord God, “That I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of
hearing the words of the Lord. They shall wander from sea
to sea, And from north to east; They shall run to and fro,
seeking the word of the Lord, But shall not find it.”

The Basis of The Famine
Famine and drought were two (2) of the punishments God
used against His people. The Book of Amos speaks of a
new kind of famine – the famine for the Word of God,
which brings serious repercussions. Solutions from the
Word of the Lord will be very rare. Man has been trying to
silence the truth and they will pay the price – they will be
plundered. When God is silent (because man refuses to
listen), man will try to silence the truth and will pay the
consequences. We are now seeing blatant censorship

taking place in the media. Scientists are now failing badly
because nothing they are trying to do is working.
There are different types of famines mentioned in the Bible
– disaster, drought, crop failure, locusts and viruses, war
and natural calamity, price increases – and all these are
already happening. It will take great faith for people to
deal with it.
While famine alignment and reset spiritually and naturally,
and brings change in the earth, it also allows us to move
away from Moab. So, while many are trying to prevent
migration, the famine ahead will be so severe that there
will be increased migration as people seek for survival.
People will be going to and fro. That is why, countries
who try to close their borders from the poor will be affected
severely. The Law of Gleaning (Leviticus 23: 20 – 22)
must be practiced, if companies and countries are going to

End-Time Happenings
Famine also depicts end-time happenings and has to do
with government mis-management and bad policies,
wrong economic priorities, and a lack of policies regarding
Many companies and nations are focusing on digital
currency, bitcoins, the Metaverse, and AI (Artificial
Intelligence) among other things. What use will any of this
have when people are dying of hunger?

Price increases, lack of employment opportunities, loss of
employment, cause famine and lead to malnutrition and
the lack of basic needs, and all this is already rampant in
our world now.
Many also think that over-population is the cause of
famine. That is not true and that thought should never be
entertained. Lack of proper stewardship by leaders, and
political mismanagement are the main reasons for famine.

Renew Your Mind
For the faithful ones, in order to deal with famine their
minds must be renewed. We must look to God as our
Source; and look to Him for our increase, just as was done
with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes. We must also look to
receive blessings from unknown places and unknown
In 2 Kings 4: 38 – 44, there was a man from Baal
Shalisha, who came to bless him. It was a place where
they worshipped other gods not the True and Living God;
and he came to bless the prophet of God.
God always blesses His people from the “muddy places”.
We have to follow instruction and be satisfied with God’s
provision that He has made for His people. We MUST live
by the Word to get wealth – the undiluted word, not false
prosperity. We must be led by the Holy Spirit to bring us

through, that we can deal with the problems ahead. In
addition to this, the type of doctrine we embrace is critical
to our survival.
It is also critical for certain nations to remove certain taxes
and regulations from certain basic items. Nations must
stockpile food and medication now. Any country that has
food will have power. Serious contingency plans must be
put in place for the poor.
The Just must live by faith!