Proverbs 10: 22 reminds us, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.”
We should never take the blessings of the Lord for granted. Furthermore, we must remember that blessings are always placed upon a person by the Lord; and when He does so, and someone tries to sabotage that blessed person, then it becomes unprofitable for the person who is saboteur and instead add to the blessings of they one they are attacking. No-one cannot stop a blessed person.
In Genesis 26, each time they tried to sabotage Isaac, things became greater for him. All the enemy succeeded in doing was to push him into greater wealth and blessings.
Build Great Corporations
The blessings of God allow Him to give us vision which propels even greater vision, new solutions, ideas and establish corporations. For example, President Donald Trump was banned from the huge social media platform Twitter, however, the blessing on his life allowed him to become a player in that same industry and he created TruthSocial social media platform. Late President Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for decades under during the period of Apartheid in South Africa. Nevertheless, the blessings of the Lord allowed him to survive it all and become the President of that African Nation.
God always allows one to be blessed in order to be a blessing to others. So, when organizations to which God has extended His blessings and allow them to become giants in their industry, but they instead turn against God and do evil in His sight, all God will do is raise up another blessed man to raise up a rival corporation to replace them in the market.
About The Investor
While God allows rain to fall on the just and the unjust, the question is, “Which investor do we think will continue to invest in an organization which does not share the profit with him, nor respects Him, nor abides by His principles, nor share His values?” Eventually that investor will withdraw his resources and move on to other organizations which will do just that. God is about to withdraw Himself from many organizations.
The Business Test
Deuteronomy 8: 18 reminds us, “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.”
We also need to pay attention to Ecclesiastes 5: 19 which lets us know that God gives us wealth and possessions and the ability to enjoy it. So, wealth and the ability to enjoy it are gifts from God, and we should never play with the gifts of God, because it always comes with a particular grace. So, when men begin to use the wealth God gives them to come against His principles. There are going to be problems ahead for them, and a number of businesses are going to fall soon.
There are many businessmen and organizations which refuse to Tithe, but will give millions to promote the unclean things. Sadly, what many company leaders don’t realize is that the reason the company is still opened is the blessings that are upon the people of God who still work there.
During the pandemic, the Lord tested a lot of businesses and many failed because of the actions they have executed – vaccine mandates, job cuts, persecution of the staff. However, the Law of Retribution is in effect. The success of most organizations, particularly during the pandemic, is not the result of the academic qualifications and business prowess of the CEO’s and Management capabilities, but it is the result of God’s blessing upon the lives of the staff members who serve the Lord.
Good or Evil
Ecclesiastes 6: 1 – 2 says, “There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men: A man to whom God has given riches and wealth and honor, so that he lacks nothing for himself of all he desires; yet God does not give him power to eat of it, but a foreigner consumes it. This is vanity, and it is an evil affliction.”
So, it is meaningless for one to work hard, but not enjoy the fruit of His labor. That is why we must serve God and ask Him to bring a healthy balance in our lives. When man begins to serve God with their wealth, many will be healed and delivered. (Psalms 41)
God blesses us to be a blessing to the poor, the fatherless and the widow; to do good, but many use their wealth for evil.
The question is, “What are you doing with the blessings you received – good or evil?”
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