We have seen some critical areas of focus since 2023, and it will continue to remain prominent. These areas include Population Control, Climate Change, Vaccine Health, One World Religion, Digital Currency, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Recession, Civil War, and Deception. All these have become prominent in the headlines, however we are now getting deeper in famine and recession.
During the famine, a person’s faith must come alive in order to prevent death. We must therefore seek God in order to be creative. Furthermore, we must re-brand and retool. Our faith has to go to the next level and it doesn’t matter how difficult it will be, God is able to create new sources of income or business. Every person in the Bible who followed God’s instruction during a famine was elevated. Each of us must understand that we cannot look to government or any other institution to be our savior. Famine and recession can bring positive change. During that period, it is then you will see who is who and people’s true motive. Additionally, famine and recession bring wealth transfer and administrative changes. It further brings us to the point of repentance and pulls us back to basics.
Be At The Right Place
The key for survival within famine is to be at the right place and discern where one should be spiritually or geographically. For example, Elijah had to reside by the brook for a season to be fed. God placed him under immunity from king Ahab at the time; then God moved him thereafter to the widow who fed him.
Are you willing to be sensitive to the voice of God for instructions. Isaac was instructed not to go to Egypt. Egypt symbolizes places of oppression and oppressive systems including places with high interest rates; as well as places of enslavement and hardships.
Most countries are looking for the easier way out and that oftentimes gets them into problems. Many fail to see God as the true source, and that is the reason God uses the famine to test hearts and systems. Isaac was instructed by the Holy Spirit to sow. Farming and Agriculture (Livestock) Giving, Real Estate, Irrigation (digging wells) were the areas God instructed/directed Isaac to engage in, and because of his obedience, God allowed him to receive the benefits of the Law of Multiplication. Major expansion in the midst of recession was one such benefit. Yet, even in the midst of recession, God allowed that in order to bring Isaac back to God. During famine, Rehoboth and Beersheba are very important in a person’s life.
Those who follow instructions will surely experience the land of Goshen. The word Goshen means, “drawing near”. It is also a place of plenty and comfort. So it means we will have to separate from the world systems and the world’s way of thinking, and draw near to God to enter the land of fertility, abundance, hope, promise and revelation. (Genesis 45: 10; Genesis 46: 2 – 8; Genesis 47: 11; Deuteronomy 31: 6 – 7).
Famine, Logistics and Climate Change
It is critical that the world begins to change based on what is ahead. There will be repeated disasters – climate change like it has never been seen before. The general shift taking place is to get mankind to understand who are the true directors of the nation; and for countries or organizations to survive financially, they will need to be transformed.
So they will need to remove certain regulations, and restructure the trucking and storage systems (logistics). Availability of containers, removal of taxes from all farming equipment, as well as trucks and containers are going to be key. Each country must therefore begin to increase the storage areas, provide machines for packaging and food processing. In addition, there will need to be to be investment in the storage of certain goods such as powdered milk. Furthermore, the transportation system will need to be restructured and greater investment put in to training the young people to be drivers of heavy duty vehicles as there will be a shortage of drivers of these vehicles globally. If not we will see even greater levels of starvation.
The Church
If the Church wants to be relevant during the famine, they must change their modus operandi. We must identify the coin in the fish’s mouth. We must fill up empty vessels and embrace the unknown places as well as the dark and muddy places according to Isaiah 45. The Church must engage in Space Management – which includes the utilization of idle land and buildings. The Church must improve their utilization of gifts and talents to maximize the usage of its Capital Assets. Risk Management will be important. The Church will also need to capitalize on the use of Spiritual gifts and resources for growth. If the Church does not then they will be losing many of those lands and buildings that currently sit idle.
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