There are many leaders failing globally in business, politics, church and family; and the failure comes because of a lack of God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding and because the leaders no longer seek nor fear Him.  In fact, many of them are against His will and His way.

Every leader should take Matthew 14: 15 – 21 very seriously, as it reveals the leadership and wisdom of Jesus as He fed the multitudes from 5 loaves and 2 fishes. 

In times like these, there is great suffering and people talk much about sustainable development.  Jesus shows us that actively looking to God to deal with our needs and give us the wisdom required is the first and most important requirement for leaders.  Jesus also addressed the welfare of the people and always looked within the midst for the solution.  He also focused on the fact that the resources we need are among us.  What we should take from this is that we must first look up to God and He will apply the law and direct us to the solutions within our midst.  When we do, He will multiply.

God establishes order before He distributes the well needed resources. Without order, there would be loss, theft, mishap or waste.

He applies one of the best testing methods ever.  God already knows that the Marxist theories will not work.  So here is what He did:

  • He took
  • Looked up
  • He blessed
  • He broke
  • and then gave it to His disciples to distribute.

By doing so, He applied grace to the principle.

The number 5 signifies Grace and Favor; and we also have 5 senses, 5 fingers, 5 toes and also denotes provision, victory, miracles and also the anointing.

The 2 (fishes) represents, union, witness, marriage and miracles.  It is also the number that represents discernment, the relationship between the sun and the moon. (Genesis 1: 16)

5 + 2 = 7 which is the number representing, completion, rest, and is referred to as God’s perfect number.

The Fragments

Jesus teaches us that the fragments within the society are very important.  Most leaders no longer deal well with the fragments of the society.  The fragments are small parts broken from something; the bits and pieces, chips and splinters,  so that the thing is no longer whole.

When Jesus instructed that the fragments be collected and put in baskets, it meant that He was reminding us not to forget the broken, the lowly, those who laid idle.  It means that if we don’t pick up the pieces in society there will be no change and we will face it later on a more serious and significant level.

Further to this 12 baskets of fragments were collected and 12 symbolizes the government of God.  It symbolizes God’s power and authority.  With that, many global problems will be solved and no one will be overlooked – as exemplified by Jesus throughout His life and ministry.

The Feet

These are among the most important elements of the body and symbolizes those at the base of the society.  Feet are the pillars holding up the body and symbolize the heart condition of a person and their level of humility.  We cannot continue to ignore those on the “ground” of society, because it is the feet that we stand on.  The economy or national growth will not be able to move without the feet. 

The feet also has to do with one’s walk and direction and the quality of a person’s life and choice.  Feet also represent good news, and God’s guidance.   Psalm 119: 105 reminds us “Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path.” Without God’s guidance we will make poor choices and lifestyles displeasing to God.

We must remember that the feet go to different places and as such has the potential to be carriers of diseases.  We cannot have a healthy society without healthy feet and the politicians need to learn that.  Without the Word, the traveler will walk in darkness, not light.  We must cleanse our feet; it is the number one priority for any nation.  John 14: 13 – 15 reminds us of what Jesus told Peter, “If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.”


Unless we begin to apply God’s Principles with a renewed and transformed mind the world will continue to slide into failure.