5784 / 2024 – The Year of Open Doors and Creation!

Given through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Pastor Dr. Michelle Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophet O. Jolly, Prophet David Benoit.


1. We are about to see more nations rising against nations in 2024 and beyond. Nations will join forces and fight against Israel. We must pray for Israel and its allies. There are more wars that will emerge from other countries, especially within Europe. Pray, too, for Israel, Indonesia, Pakistan, Norway, Istanbul (Turkey), Syria Venezuela and Guyana. Pray also for the children in Hungary, Belfast, Sudan, Ethiopia, Mexico, Honduras, Brazil, Guatemala. The hands of the Lord are heavy upon Jamaica, England, The United States, France, China, Rome, The Vatican City and Russia. Watch North Korea, Russia, Germany, and Iran. Pray for Haiti, Puerto Rico and Cuba. The enemy wants to cause a long-lasting wars and rifts.

2. The current War against Israel will bleed over into Africa and many African nation will be drawn into it. God wants the body of Christ to pray that these African nations will not fight against Israel. I see many Africans are dying because of this. There are nations planning to use the African nations to do their dirty work, but God sees and will expose them. Pray against serious deception.

3. The economic system in most countries is collapsing. and famine still looms. Furthermore, much more medical supplies will be needed for all hospitals for 2024 and beyond, and in some countries schools will close permanently because more teachers will be leaving this profession.

4. There will be an increase of tornadoes, hurricanes, and storms affecting the weather for some states within the US. Pray against earthquakes making way for tsunamis for Jamaica and other Caribbean countries.

5. Pray that the Christians to enter the government and for an increase for more Christian lawmaker in Canada. Pray for President Biden, King Charles III, French PM Elisabeth Borne, Indian PM Narendra Modi, and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

6. Pray for Canada and against the anti-Christ spirit that wants to become embedded in its foundation. As we pray earnestly and with the right motive, there will be revival as it was the Book of Acts.

7. China will experience another shocking event that will cause a buzz worldwide.

8. The Political Arena for most countries are unstable but that is not being made public. Furthermore, God is about to deal with a prominent enemy publicly.

The United States of America

9. Watch the months of June through September of 2024. There will be many of surprises for the upcoming 2024 US Elections that will cause heated debates and possibly demonstrations.

10. There is a new strategy for the dispersion and smuggling of illegal drugs planned by underworld is planning to unleash that can cause drug addiction and overdose like we have never seen. They are planning to drug people without their consent to get them hooked by way of injections and put it on clothing and other means within certain communities and places. We must pray that God will stop this evil and greed from ever happening. We must pray that God will increase wisdom and insight upon the Drug Enforcement Agencies across including the local police to deal with these issues the US and the world.

11. Pray for the 2024 election that God’s will be done. The 2024 Elections will be and very perilous one, the church must pray. Serious challenges ahead, but as you endure, God will be merciful.

12. There is an unforeseen attack launched on the main Hill.

13. There will be a greater call for more chaplains in the fields through the country. Even in rural areas where not many people are but due to the disasters and crises taking place the need for spiritual care will be eminent.

14. There will be demonstrations with some airline workers because of insufficient pay.


15. The Jamaican government is going to make some decisions that will shock many in the nation. They will be using economic reasons as their excuses. However, many in power, will be held accountable.

16. Pray for the young farmers and the farming industry. God says they are many young men and women that loves to do farming but are fearful of the economic uncertainties God has anointed you for this don’t be fearful you are the future of Jamaica’s economy be strong and bold be wise.

17. A mighty revival is pending, but the people must pray. Watchmen must be alert; the mothers in Zion must be in position; the intercessors must be battle-ready; and the people must set their face like flint ready to obey His instructions and serve Him. Pray now like never before. God is going to flush out a lot of gangs and corruption, as well as those how repent will be save. God is visiting Jamaica and there will be a swift change. Watch the hand of the Lord.

18. There will be changes in Jamaica’s healthcare system and shifts taking place in the hierarchical structure from top to bottom. The Lord will use those who are willing to make a significant impact in the health sector. Pray for such a one’s humility and obedience to God.

19. There is a businessperson that wants to build a hospital in a certain place in Jamaica, but you are not sure if this is right. God says obey him and you’ll will prosper.

20. Pray against Witchcraft in the nation God is breaking down these strongholds.
21. St Thomas is poise for a revival. God is about to move and the Churh must make themselves available because precious souls are hanging in the balance.

22. God wants to use the Jamaican diaspora to do great thing for Jamaica, but the government needs to connect in new ways and learn from them also.

23. The Jamaican musicians and artists that God as given chance after chance, your time is running out and you must repent. God wants you to give up the world and come totally to him.

24. Jamaica! Focus on your soul and come to God fully. Serve him with your whole heart and mind, body and soul for what lies ahead will be impossible for you to endure without Him

These prophecies given are for 2024 onward. God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individuals. Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthians 13: 9. Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6; Psalm 115: 3). He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23).