Matthew 15: 13 – 15 says, “But He answered and said, “Every plant which
My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. Let them alone. They
are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall
into a ditch.” Then Peter answered and said to Him, “Explain this parable
to us.”

We are in a great reset. Oftentimes when we hear the word reset, it comes
across as man’s doing for the benefit of profit-making. The term “reset”
means “to set, adjust, or fix in a new or different way”.
Recognize that man’s reset and God’s reset are two entirely different
things; and we will see doctrines, philosophies, views, systems, laws, logic,
knowledge and cultures as well as prices will be reset and in fact uprooted
where needed. The wind of the Holy Spirit will begin to move upon the face
of the earth as we saw in Genesis 1 and 2. Furthermore, we will see
birthing and re-birthing take place; and that includes those things that were
deemed normal or mainstream.
We must ensure that our minds are aligned properly with the mind of
Christ so that God can renew, restore and revamp. The very environment
will be reset according to Romans 8. Man’s sin and rebellion against God
have negatively affected the environment, and as a result the new norm
must be purity, praise, worship and holy living. When man fails to manage
the God-given resources, then God will bring reset, for the purpose of
preserving His creation and blessing His true people. Joel 2: 25 reminds
us, “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten,
the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, my great
army which I sent among you.” God will begin to restore the lost years and
lost resources.

Job 8: 7 tells us, “Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end
would increase abundantly.” The Lord is about to increase those who
started small. We are about to see greater grace and favor being shifted to
the faithful ones. Many things within the earth will become new and be
renewed. Just remember Jeremiah 29: 11 which reminds us, “For I know
the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and
not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Shaking in the Financial Sector
Over the years, the Financial Sector has been wrought with great
deception, and we have always heard of recession. However, within the
reset, not only will we hear of the recession, but we will also hear about
depression, as well as inflation and deflation. Will we see contractions in
the economy – falling GDPs (Gross Domestic Product) and a famine with
global food shortage and significant price increases. Will we see money
fail according to Genesis 47: 13 – 19. Could it be that as a result of the
famine ahead, we would see the return of the barter system where people
give away assets for food. (Genesis 47: 16 – 17). Currencies will fail and
many will fall into voluntary slavery.

What Nations Must Do
It is critical for nations to learn from the wisdom of Pharaoh and establish a
plan for Farming and Agriculture in order to preserve life, because those
who will have food will have dominion and power.

Nations should be preparing land and identifying storage areas and places
for relocation, in addition to storing seeds.
The government also needs to prepare for a collapse of financial
institutions and insurance companies especially those who were not
operating in integrity.

Is the government ready to face downsizing, stock market decline and the
uncertainty with the longevity of today’s currency systems? Are they ready
to face the fallout that will come from the battle between gas-powered
versus electric vehicles?

There needs to be significant cuts/reduction in taxes and duties levied on
goods to reduce shipping cost and increase affordability to the consumers
so they can store goods as well.

Nations must ensure that the storing of basic things needed for human
survival are given priority so that in the time of famine there will be
provision already in hand to curb loss of human life.