


Many times people are calling out for help desperately, but the when you call out for help the answer is – He daily loads us with benefits. (Psalm 68: 19) Help comes to us each day, but many fail to recognize and to discern when help comes! Help comes when you get into God’s Presence! Many are too busy to get into God’s presence. You become spiritually bankrupt because you run out oil. You believe that the problem you have is natural but it is in fact spiritual; and this is why God wants you in His Presence!

We cannot tell God what kind of help we need, how He is to send the help, what package to send it in and when to send it. Sometimes when God wants to help you, He sends someone or you to help first. You may think they are the ones who need help, but it is in fact you who needs the help and the Lord is allowing His principles to manifest in your life. Think about Elisha and the Widow. Elisha asked for help, but in fact it was the woman that God wanted to help! God created a need in Elisha’s life in order to bring help and to bless the Widow! She was in debt, despair and death was at her door. It was the anointing on the life of the Man/Servant of God that brought back to her life, hope and prosperity!

Be careful that when God sends help you allow friends and family to rob you of the greater plans and purposes of God in your life. There are some situations that will develop in your life at times, and it can only take an anointed, holy-living servant of God that God would use to change the circumstances. Even some pastors are crying that they are going through some severely rough times. God might send help to even invite you to a place or a function to be poured into – but because you are not the guest speaker or not even on the speaker’s list you turn away and ultimately you are turning the help away! Many blessings are missed this way!

In order to discern when help comes, we need to renew our minds. Don’t try to figure God out – how He is going to help. Some people are looking for help from the rich and the prominent, but I will say it again … YOUR HELP MAY VERY WELL LIE IN THE MUDDY PLACES … those places where the rejects are; those places where the poor and ignored or neglected are – that may be the place at which God has chosen to release His blessings on or to you!


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