By: Apostle Steve Lyston

The world’s way of economics has become obsolete in this era. None of those principles work and modern economists have no solutions and only make statements after the fact. There is a paradigm shift and it is critical for God’s people to shift with the shift.

The Kingdom economics principles benefits all if applied by all – regardless of religion, race or any other factors. They work because that is how God intended it to be.

The former way of dealing with losses was to either file for bankruptcy, divest/merge, impose higher taxes on the poor or close. It forces one to borrow from other countries with clauses that have the potential to dictate how already sovereign nations must operate (thereby nullifying the principle of sovereignty) – determining who you should employ, with whom you should do business, who should be in strategic positions in the nation and even determine what percentage should be given to the public sector in wages and some don’t go beyond 5%. They will also want to determine your parameters for downsizing in your organization. This is where politicians now become ineffective. Furthermore, they also will want to determine guidelines for our education system and health sector which is anti-Christ.

It is critical if we want to be financially stable and debt-free – whether we are rich or poor – to begin to capitalize on kingdom principles to deal with the challenges ahead, create jobs and move away from this obsolete, deceptive, manipulative spell casting that WILL come to naught.

Keys to Note

The first key and most important key in Kingdom Principles is Daily Obedience to God’s instructions. (Deuteronomy 28: 1 – 14)

Learn about Tithing and the various Seasons – particularly the 3 main seasons which will bring us increase. They are March-April – Passover/Resurrection; June – Pentecost; September-October – Tishrei/End and Beginning of Agricultural Season). Remember, the earthly banks only extract from us and give us nothing in return. This will open gates/windows of opportunity, investment strategies and will unlock ideas. Begin to protect your ideas (intellectual property). Seek professional advice to help you with that.

Learn about the different levels of increase – 30, 60, 100, 1000 as well as the 4-fold, 7-fold increases and know how and to what they apply.
Invest In People

Invest in people – gold, food, water and livestock – which are basic substances for man’s survival.

For the economists and critics who don’t believe God is real or still speaks – while praying, the Lord asked, “What if you had a major disaster – a war breaking out in the USA or an oil explosion in Russia, or a shaking on Wall Street, or riots in various nations or if a major earthquake hitting Italy? How would it affect countries like Jamaica and smaller/third world nations especially with the threat by the Trump Administration of tariffs to be levied on steel and aluminum?” I am sure countries would begin to distance themselves from the USA. The small business, and courier services in the USA and neighboring regions would feel the heat. Tourism and immigration would also be negatively affected in the USA; and because many remit monies overseas from the USA, it will trigger a recession and suffering especially for smaller countries. Then we might see countries forfeiting on debt repayment and create another level of suffering. So we better start to renegotiate with the international lenders to restructure those loans before it is too late. Nations must have contingencies in place for these happenings.

A major appeal needs to be made to get everybody involved in farming and stockpile 10% of everything – whether it is bough or homegrown.

God created the economy before He created man. That being so, we need then to revisit and study God’s prescribed order on how individuals and countries must operate, in order to have a solid economy. The further we pull away from the Kingdom Principles for governing, the more problems we will encounter. For example, foregoing a day of rest in order to grow the economy will not augur well for us, it will instead do more damage. Also, implementing systems that would go against God’s laws and precepts will affect the economy negatively.

Media houses need to reduce their advertising costs to small businesses and not for profit organizations and help them to grow in that area, and they will have loyal clients.

Farmers need to begin to donate 10% of their increase/harvest to the poor – shelters, places of safety and even to feed the security forces of the nation – and that will bring them (farmers) further increase in their yield.

The government needs to have dialogue with the people right away to chart a new economic direction as the old ways are dead.