Does God Communicate With Mankind?



From time to time, people will say, ‘Did God say so?’ or ‘Did God speak?’ Others will say, ‘God never said that to anybody; you’re telling me what you think?’ or ‘That is gibberish, nothing goes like that!’ Even better, ‘God does not work like that.’

So the question is, does God communicate with man? Only someone who is dead is unable to speak. Is God dead?

Any teacher, professor or leader of an organisation will tell you that communication is a two-way process, and is not complete without a response of some kind.

Many times we hear persons say, ‘Something tells me I shouldn’t do this’ or ‘My mind is telling me not to take this bus’ or ‘Don’t go on the corner today’; only to realize that when you obey, something terrible had happened there, and you were saved from it. So, who spoke?

How God Speaks

God speaks in dreams and visions, (Genesis 20:6; Matthew 1:19-21) through the written word, directly in an still, small voice – face to face or in dark speeches, (Numbers 12:6-8; I Kings 19:12) or He uses His servants to speak to you (those who serve Him faithfully). God will even use a donkey to speak to you (Numbers 22:24-27). He will use the elements (atmospheric conditions); and He will speak to you through your circumstances.

Job 33:14-16 says, “For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction.”

God shows leaders various symbols, even in their dreams, to allow them to lead effectively. For example, many of those who dispute the fact that God still speaks, are among the first to run to the horoscopes, psychics, tarot readers, tea leaf readers or listen to old wives’ tales. The question is, with whom are they communicating when they go there?

The very rainbow we see from time to time is communication from God, reminding us of the Covenant He made with man on the earth (Genesis 9:13-16).

The very color of the grass is often a reflection of what is happening in a nation. An animal’s response to its instinct warns man about what is happening in the atmosphere. When certain ants begin to dig up the dirt, we realize that rain is coming. When we see the ants in a long line storing up their food, you know that there are hard times ahead. Before the tsunami in Thailand, (2006) all the animals ran to the hills and many wondered why; it was the sign of an impending disaster.

God speaks also to the meteorologists (Matthew 16: 1-4). When God does something atmospherically, they are being given the message for the people through the weather. They report the weather and give forecasts, but they cannot discern the meaning of what they are seeing so they cannot accurately inform the people.

When people say God spoke to them, the first thing they will hear is that they are fanatics or that they are paranoid or even schizophrenic. Some engage in phone bugging, secret tape recordings and computer hacking to get information. They trust the computer more than they are willing to spend time and listen to God.

Our inability to hear God’s voice can be costly. It causes us to make wrong choices, poor decisions, deception, defeat, delay and death. A number of politicians, administrations and organisations are no more, because of their inability or refusal to listen when God speaks.

Hearing God’s voice daily will bring growth, increase, promotion and blessing. It will also save lives. It is critical for all individuals and national leaders, before making any major decisions, to seek to hear what God is communicating about it.

Whatever deals, agreements, activities, policies, reformations, laws, constitutional changes, or moves there are to be made, we must listen to the voice of God first and know what He is saying about them, so we can make the right decisions for the benefit of all.

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