Ephesians 4: 7 – 12


It is critical for us to understand that to every gift in the Fivefold Jesus Himself has assigned a specific grace. Verse 7 of the scripture says, “But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.”


When a person takes on a Fivefold office that the Lord did not assign to them, then they are functioning under a false grace which makes that person a counterfeit! It is sad that a lot of people’s lives have been messed up (both sinners and Christians) especially Christians who don’t know the Word of God.





The number one purpose for which God gives gifts to people is to build  them up and to edify the church and equip the saints to build the Church so that they will not be moved by every wind of doctrine and act of trickery.


There are things that have been happening in the Body of Christ where doctrines have crept in which are not Scriptural and even titles that are not Biblical.




While we all in the Body of Christ need to look into ourselves first, those that God has truly given authority first need to ask the question, “Did they issue authority to people who are not qualified in the office in exchange for monetary gain?  What are you doing to deal with the damage out there that you have caused from that, because God is going to hold you accountable.  Did you promote novices and people who were not tested in the faith, or have any spiritual genealogy in accordance with the books of Timothy and Titus that speak about leadership?  What is their spiritual genealogy?  Whom do they serve?  Who released them?  Did the Holy Spirit validate them?





Elisha served faithfully for 13 years before the double portion was released to him.  Ezekiel was a priest before God allowed him to walk in the prophetic.  Jesus served 30 years for a 3-year ministry, and He still had to submit to John the Baptist, to be officially released into His ministry.


We know that there those who are false sheep (the ones who believe they don’t need to have a shepherd or submit to anyone)  and that they have created a market for lawlessness in the Body of Christ, it has also facilitated an environment where people don’t know the false from the true.  Jesus said that by their fruit you shall know them – not by their accuracy.  None of these people have souls as a priority.


LEADERS when one are in the Body of Christ suffers, all suffer.  It is time to unite and begin to communicate pray and if you can’t get recommendations on the faithful service of an individual or the individual cannot prove that they are doing work in ministry or have a congregation, then you need to think twice and revisit that application.  We have seen people calling themselves, archbishop, master prophet and they don’t even know how to function within a church/ministry in any capacity not even to say that they have been a deacon or usher – and all of that puts peoples souls at stake. People are dying under the deception.


According to the Ephesians 2: 20, if the Apostle and Prophet (according to the Fivefold Ministry) are the ones who bring order, interpretation of the doctrine, tactics and strategies for the building of the Church and it is now compromised, then there are some serious showdowns ahead.  Many who claim to be that don’t even know their job description from the Biblical standpoint.