Family, Divorce And The Economy



The family is the main underpinning element in the stability and growth of a nation. Without a proper familial structure within any nation, instability begins to eat away at many other facets in the society, including the economy.

When families struggle, marriages come under a tremendous strain which affects their jobs! Ultimately, the economy is affected and, in turn, negatively affects families and marriages as financial pressures mount! Sadly for some, divorce ensues.

From 2004 to 2007, there was a general decrease in the number of divorces taking place in Jamaica, from 8.02 per cent to 5.63 per cent.

However, the number of divorces started to increase in 2008 and rose to 8.65 per cent by 2009. It has possibly increased significantly since then.

In the United States of America, a single divorce can cause the state and the government more than US$30,000.

Although these are statistics and numbers, we must recognize that the numbers represent real families that are being torn apart and broken up, causing great pain to the children, hurt and heartache for the spouses, and jobs that will not get the full attention required because of the turmoil it causes those involved.

Economic Factors Affecting The Family

The present global, economic situation is forcing many couples to engage in the wrong activities in order to survive – infidelity, long hours with low pay, and from the other end of the scale, the introduction of the flex-week where job functions continue, in some cases, seven days of the week.

As a result, families are neglected, school work affected because of the absence of the parents and there is no spiritual build up, refreshing or growth taking place. Even God rested!

So, companies – even the essential services – need to introduce staggered shifts. This saves jobs, cuts cost and helps the families!

We must ensure that we do not introduce any system that will help to pull families apart and cause a spiritual bankruptcy, which ultimately leads to natural bankruptcy!

The economy will soon bounce back; not because of the political and economic ‘fixes’, but because of the cry of the family!

Immigration reforms

This is a worldwide issue that is helping to destroy families. There needs to be reforms to make the process quicker.

In seeking to improve the conditions for their families, husbands and wives grow apart; children become estranged and channel their energies to violent behavior. All this affects the children’s education also.

If countries should make reforms with the welfare of families as their number-one priority, there would be great success and blessings on those administrations. The United States should lead the way!

Personal Communications And Social Networking

Men and women were created from two different processes! Man was formed, woman was made. For both to understand each other it takes a process. God will fashion the man first so that he become more sensitive to the woman (Jeremiah 18). Nothing can be made without it first being formed (Genesis 2).

The first recorded administration of anesthetics, and the first operation took place in Genesis 2: 21. The man’s right rib was taken out to make the right fit for him. A man must ensure that the woman who is to be your wife is the right fit.

One thing that many don’t realize is that once in a marriage, sharing takes the place of privacy. So something as simple as a password to your email and social network sites should not be private.

Financial Freedom

The family must unite and pray for specific ways for their needs to be met. For example, pray for a business or for business ideas. Oftentimes, long hours don’t add to income – it just increases debt!

Family is important, and certain blessings will not come to a nation and its people if the family is unstable or broken!


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