God and Common-Law Relationships


Re-post Friday, 19 August 2005

Simply put, a Common-law Relationship is a relationship where a man and a woman are living together in an intimate relationship – as a couple – without being married to each other. The term “common-law relationship” is just another nice way of saying, “pretending to be married while indulging in fornication”.

In most cases, this living arrangement produces children; hence a family is created; and at this point two main things occur: 1. Continual fornication 2. Children are born out of wedlock Both, of which, go against God’s instructions and ordinances.
What follows as a result in many cases is a cycle of poverty and oppression – which is a whole other topic altogether. As the years go by, numerous promises are made for marriage but they are never usually fulfilled.

Promises of marriage are made to the women year after year, and before you know it, five (5), even ten (10) years have passed and the family remains a common-law arrangement. Then the excuses and mindset become, “why pay for the milk when the cow is free?” or, “why ruin a good thing?” It is noteworthy that although it is not common, some women prefer to be in this type of relationship because of a fear of their marriage relationship ending in divorce.

Now what does the Bible say about fornication? The Bible tells us that fornication, murder, and sorcery are just the same and that if we do not repent we will not see the face of God and we will not have eternal life. Galatians 5: 20 – 21 says: “… idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” These are the works of the flesh.

In addition, Ephesians 5: 3 – 7 says: “But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore, do not be partakers with them.” In addition to this verse 11 of the same scripture says that we should have no fellowship with these unfruitful works of darkness, but rather – expose them.

The Scriptures warn that when you are in this kind of relationship, you are sharing in the lifestyle of darkness; a lifestyle that will destroy you. Fornication opens you up to many unclean spirits such as: Lust, Perversion, Incubus / Succubus, Sater, Kundalini, Uncleanness, Masturbation, Incest. Fornication also brings curses up on your family lineage. Demons will begin to possess you – spirit, soul and body. Your children will become possessed; curses will be passed down from generation to generation because you have given the devil legal right to afflict your descendants and your body – because you have in fact sinned against your own body! What is the difference between Adultery and Fornication? Matthew 5: 27 says: “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery” Adultery Adultery can simply be defined as “intimate and sexual relationship including intercourse between two (or more) persons where at least
one partner is married.”

The Ten Commandments contain the clear prohibition of adultery: “You shall not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20: 14) The reason is simple, marriage (between one man and one woman) is the foundation of a society, a nation, and with it comes the responsibility of not only having but caring for and nurturing a child.

Casual sex and sexual relationships outside of your marriage not only imperils marriage, but also destroys the paternal and maternal feeling for the children of the marriage, and mars the lines of family relationships. Fornication Ephesians 5: 3 speaks clearly (as was stated earlier): “But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints.” We can simply state that “Fornication” is “sexual relationships including sex, between two unmarried persons.” The Apostle Paul said that this is a sin against the body. He commands Christians to flee fornication as it is a sin against oneself and God, for the believer’s body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 6: 18 – 19). Paul says if a believer takes his body and joins it to a harlot or someone who is immoral, he is joining Christ to that person. (I Corinthians 6: 15 – 16). We must understand that neither fornicators nor
adulterers will enter the kingdom of heaven (I Corinthians 6: 9 – 10).

In today’s world, the term ‘fornication’ has been given more palatable names and has become the norm in our communities worldwide, and it is now normal to be unmarried, live with the partner and indulge in fornication, but we must remember that it is a sin; and it can send you to everlasting Hell – to burn, yes, burn in the lake of fire.

This lifestyle will destroy your soul, your family and your lineage. Get out now if you are not sure that the person you are with is the person God wants you to be with. Why are you still fornicating? If your partner can live with you for so long and refuses to marry you – that is, to make your commitment official in the sight of man and with God – why are you wasting time? It is part of Satan’s plan to use you, entrap you, and ultimately destroy you. You cannot even begin to comprehend the hate that Satan has for us as human beings who have the opportunity of inheriting Eternal Life with Christ when he (Satan) no longer has that privilege.


a) You will get ‘beautiful’ excuses like: ‘It’s not time yet. I’m not ready yet.’ (Then you should not be in fornication at all) We don’t have the money for that.’ (You don’t need to do a large, public wedding. Have a private one with a witness) b) Continued excuse-giving until you eventually die in sin and find yourself in a Christ-less eternity. c) Because your partner has not made that solemn commitment in marriage, he or she is free to have numerous partners behind your back because there is no covenant (agreement) between you both and God, so he/she does not have to stay with you. d) Your partner, having become involved with others (male or female), becomes confused about whom he/she loves and wants to be with. e) Broken promises of marriage year after year, and broken hearts followed by messed up lives. f) Multiple children outside of the relationship. g) Your partners other partner(s) becomes involved in witchcraft in order to
keep the relationship and you out of it. Many times it involves giving your partner something to eat to ‘hold’ them and to damage you. h) Soul-ties are formed with every sexual act and indecision develops. They find that for some reason they can’t leave the person. Yet they still hope to get back with their first love (you). i) Your partner’s other partner may be one who is married and the spouse is away. j) Your partner’s lover may be in a better position than you are financially and also on an educational level too.


1) Marriage is a Multi-purpose basis, Human institution. It is common to all cultures. And despite cultural differences, its purpose and value are about the same in all societies. 2) Marriage is a fulfillment of God’s purpose in creation. 3) It contributes mutually to each other’s development. 4) Marriage is necessary because of its nature of Human Sexuality – man and woman are incomplete without each other. 5) Marriage is necessary for the achievement and maintenance of personal integrity. 6) Marriage is important for a new birth or a new member of the society. 7) Eph. 5: 31 – 32. “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.” The first thing to do before getting married, however, is Matthew 6: 33.

Why would you be willing to sit around with someone for years, indulging more and more in fornication and not even be sure that this is God’s plan for your life? Your husband or wife is just that from the foundation of the world and if you marry the wrong person it will not last – whether or not you have children with this person – because God’s will must be done. Ask yourself these questions:

v “Did God tell you to enter into fornication and this common-law relationship?”
v “Would the Lord encourage or tell you to do something He forbids in order to bless you with a happy life?” Of course not! It was the devil putting the thoughts in your mind and you executed his recommendations.

This is why it is important for you to have a relationship, a real relationship with the Almighty God; so that He can lead you to what He wants for you. You may be in love with the person you are in this common-law relationship with, but that situation is not what God wants for you. He will choose your partner for you. It may be hard, but “obedience is better than sacrifice”. You will be much happier!

Please, come out of fornication now! Save what is left of you and turn to Jesus Christ; He will carry you through.

Read: Ephesians 5: 31 – 32 & St. John 3: 16

DON’T! Don’t allow your children to be even more embarrassed or hurt – put a stop to it! Don’t allow your partner to use money to threaten you and tell you that if you come out of the relationship you will suffer. Jesus has a plan that you don’t even know about – a plan for your life that is so awesome, you might be shocked! Don’t put your trust and all your hope in man(kind), put it all in God. It is a sin to trust in man and not in God!