Godly Criteria For Choosing A Government

Many persons from time to time will ask the question, ‘What Is God’s will for the nation?’ or ‘What is God’s choice for a government that he would want to lead the nation?’
The question should really be, ‘Do the people want God’s choice of leadership for the nation?’
God’s choice of leadership for this and any nation, has been and will always be, leaders/ governments that will seek him for guidance, wisdom, knowledge and understanding, to lead while facing the challenges each era brings!
Let it be known that God is neither Jamaica Labour Party nor People’s National Party. He is neither Democrat nor Republican.
The nation Israel demanded a leader – an earthly king to lead them! God raised up Saul’s government because the people did not want God’s will, they wanted their own choice – they wanted a man to lead them so that they could be like other nations. This eventually brought great sorrow.
The type of government that would bring peace, prosperity and economic growth to a nation is not a blueprint of other nations, but a blueprint given by God in the proper timing, and the people must ensure that by their choice they do not ‘jump out of the frying pan and into the fire!’
What Is The Right Choice
The right choice for leader of a nation must be one who is willing to do the following:
Protect our environment.
Put changes in effect so that the nation can stand on its own. Jamaica must get to the point where we can stand if other nations decide to pull their resources! When you are in debt, the creditors call the shots! They legislate as they choose and determine what we get or not, and to what we have access or not!

Give priority to local businesses so that they can expand within the nation, and for the nation. We must recognise that if a nation does not own its land, natural resources and businesses then it has no bargaining power, and the Government is merely a ‘rubber stamp’; meanwhile, the people of the nation are left at the mercy of the creditors. Further to this, the poor, fatherless and widow are left without a representative. Other First-World nations have made the grievous mistake of not owning any businesses and assets. As a result, these nations are now suffering as they try to keep it all under wraps!
One who will respect family values as the number one priority and uphold strong morals, truth and righteousness. The society must be shaped according to this – even if profits are lost. God is the source of the resources, and once a nation stands for and in accordance with His principles, He will replenish and restore!
One who will reform tax policies and reduce duties so that businesses can bring in machinery of all kinds, so that all sectors, and in particular the manufacturing sector, can thrive and create jobs for the people of the nation. Jamaica has more than we realise in order to stand on good footing and succeed!
Any government that does not promote anti-Biblical principles, activities or ways of life, but instead, genuinely and actively upholds human rights, defends the poor, reduces poverty, promotes above-average education for its people, as well as better, more affordable health care is on its way to becoming the right choice.
Further Keys ToKnowing God’s Will
  • Read His Word.
  • Actively obey/follow his principles according to His Word (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).
  • Listen to His voice and follow His instructions (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).
  • Pray and fast (Matthew 6:33).
God does not force His will on us. He, however, allows us to make the wrong choices – because of our stubborn will to have things our own way. As He does this, He will not allow us to be consumed by the consequences of our choices. Instead, we derive benefits from our experience – the wisdom to make better choices going forward. When we cry out for Him, He will give us the right leader/government in His timing.

See More http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20110725/news/news1.html