 The heart is the source of all evil actions.  It is not what we eat that defiles us it is what we say.  Our heart must always align with our lips having good things.  True worship requires that the heart and mouth be aligned together.  (Matthew 15: 7 – 9)  In the same way praise and true worship must come from the depth of our hearts.

There are many things we need to guard on a daily basis in order to be consecrated – our heart, ears, eyes and mouth.   That is why as Christians we must be careful to what and to whom we listen on a daily basis.  Gossip and negative conversations can bring defilement and allow a person to lose their blessings.

God is calling His people in this season into the deep!

There are many things found in the DEEP!  There are many mysteries hidden within the deep.  He is calling us into a place where we can discern our environment; where we will be able to discern the clean from the unclean and the holy from the unholy.

He wants us to each know the plans He has for each of us, hence He is calling us into His Secret Place.   (Psalm 91)

Many are seeking the things of the world while they ignore the things of God which will bring them into spiritual bankruptcy.  There is a release taking place in this season and only in the secret place will that release happen.  It is critical that oil remains in your lamp! (Matthew 25)  Right now, there are many mysteries and blessings passing by.  Psalm 42: 1 – 2 says:

“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.  My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.   When shall I come and appear before God?”

The water represents the Holy Spirit.  Water is also used naturally for refreshing.  Furthermore, in the natural, when a predator tries to catch a deer, they run to the water for protection.  As a result, their scent becomes undetectable.   So when the deer run into the water not only are they hidden, but they are refreshed!  Likewise, when we run to the Holy Spirit and hide in Him, we are hidden – the enemy cannot track or discern us – meanwhile, we are being refreshed by the Holy Spirit!