John 8 is a Scripture we truly need to look at and understand now. Even in light of the current political happenings – we need to ask the question: What if Jesus were on earth right now running against either political party. How would the media treat Him? How would Christians treat Him? How would you treat Him? Maybe some would have said He doesn’t have the right background to be ruler of a nation because of His carpenter’s background. Maybe others would say He doesn’t have a doctorate, nor did He go to an Ivy League School. Maybe others would have said He is surrounded by thugs, con-men, murderers and thieves.

When we look at the adulteress in the Scripture, the consequence for her actions was death by stoning! But the question is, why didn’t they stone the men with whom she committed adultery? Did they really care what she did or what happened to her or was their target really Jesus? They did not care about her, they were using her as bait to trap Jesus! They didn’t care one thing about her! Although the Bible is silent on what Jesus was writing on the ground, could it be that he was actually writing out the various secret sins of those that were in the crowd, armed and ready to ‘fire’?
Why did this woman call the Man who defended her – ‘Lord’ when she responded to His question in John 8: 10 – 11 “When Jesus had lifted up Himself, and saw none but the woman, He said unto her “Woman, where are those your accusers? has no man condemned you? She said, No man, Lord”
She discerned who He was, while the others around were busy hating and making great efforts to trap Him. They hated Jesus so much that they demanded a thief in His place! His own even joined with the enemy to stop Him.
As Christians we must be careful about how we cast stones – meaning we have to be careful about what we say about or to people; because, every time we cast judgement on someone, then the Lord judges us! (Matthew 7: 1 – 5) Jesus does not forbid criticism, opinion or the condemnation of wrongdoing. What He forbids is censoriousness – the spirit of fault-finding that overlooks ones’ own short comings while assuming the role of supreme judge regarding the sins of others.
God is calling the Body of Christ deeper because there are great deceptions ahead. Don’t be fooled! We better watch the Media because they will be judging the Church and playing ‘God’ in 2017.

“… Deep calls unto deep…” and we must show sinners the Way; because a lot of them see Christians as hypocrites! God always uses the despised, the base things, To get His glory!
Look at the people that the Lord used for greatness in the Scriptures:
Prostitutes – Rahab
Murderers – Moses
Adulterers – David
Thieves – Gideon
Betrayer – Judas
Robber – Matthew
Racist – Peter
Prisoner – Joseph
Slave – Daniel
Regardless of what or who you are, if you are willing, God will use you to His honor and glory!