

You cannot get The Anointing or certain blessings unless you place value on the Anointing of your Leaders/Mentors. Many disrespect and dishonor the Anointing on their Leaders/Mentors and pay the price. Gehazi did it! Eli’s children also dishonored their father; they did not respect the anointing that was on their father! What should have been their birthright to be passed on to them was instead passed on to Samuel who was not Eli’s biological son! Their actions also cost them their lives!

When you are in the midst of or have access to mighty men/women of God, don’t let familiarity blind you! Familiarity is the enemy of your breakthrough! It causes you to lose sight of their spiritual authority. It causes you to see someone in the flesh and not in the spirit.

There are battles that you are going to go through, but it is going to take the Godly wisdom and the Anointing of your leader to bring deliverance to you and prevent you from going down. It is not about years of service and how long you are serving a leader but HOW YOU HONOR HIM OR HER!

If the sons of the prophets honored Elijah, God would never bypass them and raise up Elisha who was previously ploughing his father’s field.

To HONOR means ‘to esteem, respect, pay homage, to hold in high respect.”

Some people only honor those they feel are honorable according to their view/standards. But not so! Even if your parents are poor, they are still your parents and must be treated with honor.

Seek after what is inside of your leader – the positive attributes and principles! Ask them how you can help them to fulfill the mandate and the vision God has given them. Never allow friends family or familiarity to rob you of the great things God has in store for you by not honoring the Leader/Mentor and the Anointing placed over your soul.
