Hope For Struggling Businesses



“He said to Simon, ‘Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.’ But Simon answered and said to Him, ‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.’ And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. . .”

Despite your circumstances today, your business might be struggling, sales are low and slow, the bills are piling up and you are being pressured by lenders – there is always hope for a large catch. In order to receive a miracle that will turn your circumstances around, you need to seek for an instruction, because there is always something that you have in your possession that can turn things around.

Before one can experience a turnaround within your business or the nation:

First, your mindset must begin to change.

Second, obedience to instruction is key.

Third, you must be willing to be taught by people who are not a part of your profession or even those deemed ‘unqualified’.

Would an economist take advice from a ‘higgler’? Would a doctor take advice from a wholesale owner on how to run a successful practice/business? Would a fisherman take instructions from a carpenter on how to be an effective entrepreneur?

In order to turn around your struggling business, you must be willing to do something beyond ‘the norm’; think deeper, think bigger, increase your faith and be willing to take risks! Even in areas you have failed before, be willing to try again!

Put local first

There is a dangerous trend that is now coming to the fore in many nations as a result of the financial crisis. Nations are now giving citizenship to those who have the monetary substance, and this is a dangerous precedent which has the potential for global security problems.

What nations should be doing is creating an environment for local business to thrive! Local businesses provide the opportunities to service the communities. They are the ones who ought to be getting tax breaks, and the alleviation of certain restrictions.

If we desire to see growth in tourism, we must ensure that we create the environment for locals also to enjoy the beauty of their own country. How many locals can afford to spend a weekend at an all-inclusive hotel?

We must engage the principle where we take care of family first! Visitors will always come and go but family will always remain family! We have to believe in ourselves that what we have is of value, and change always begins within and not from the outside.

Our nation should not be passing laws because of external influences; laws must be passed when there is the need for the betterment of the people. Leaders must be willing to engage in self-sacrifice. Leaders cannot expect the people do what they (the leader) are not willing to do. They must listen to the people, because numerous solutions lie within the people.

Cast your net and don’t give up

When you cast your net and nothing comes up, don’t give up, there are lessons to be learnt. You are getting wiser. Your faith is getting stronger. God may be trying to get your attention so that you put your trust in Him. God is trying to change your mindset with the tactics and strategies of fishing.

It is not luck or your qualifications that gave you success in the past. It was, in fact, God’s favor that caused you to succeed all along.

God may have a bigger plan for your business. He wants to expand it with new products and ideas. Some people are going through problems because He wants to change their profession and reroute them – getting them into a different geographical area.

Despite how dismal things may seem, there is always something you possess in your physical or spiritual house that can change the game for you. Your situation is not generally as bad as it may seem. In no time, you could go from zero to hero.

Oftentimes, nations tend to focus on improving infrastructure and ignore the invaluable human resources.

When God is going to bless a nation, the vessel He pours into first is the human vessel, who have the ability and capacity to engage change!

I write this to encourage all business owners that are planning to call it a day. Don’t give up – launch out into the deep.

read more: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20130819/cleisure/cleisure5.html#.UhIR4Z4rQe4.facebook